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Selasa, 18 September 2012

Ferrum Showing Solid Improvement.

With the first three games in the books, Ferrum has posted a 2-1 record. That is better than at the same time last year, when they were 1-2. Over these three games, there have been several areas of the Panthers game that has shown strong improvement:

1. Defense- Has only given up 2 rushing touchdowns this season. In the last 2 games, they have only given up 14 total points.

2. Offense- Although they have been somewhat inconsistent in the scoring department, the coaches are molding a very young unit. I see good progress, and expect that this group will be peaking at the right time. Over the three games, Ferrum has increased their offensive yardage output each game.

E&H- FC gained 133 yards rushing
SU-    FC gained 173 yards rushing
SVU   FC gained  239 yards rushing

In the passing department, Ferrum is performing well, but there is room for improvement.

The passing yards over the last three games were:

E&H- FC passed for 183 yards.
SU-    FC passed for 133 yards.
SVU- FC passed for 190 yards.

The ability to be a consistent threat by any offensive means is where Ferrum is aiming to be, and will get there as the season goes on. The offense is young, and is growing each week. The offensive line has been tremendous, as they have only allowed one sack this season.

I look for this upcoming off week to be a huge help for Ferrum. It gives them a chance to rest and heal, along with time to review the past, and look toward the Sept. 29th Averett game.

Enjoy the week off Panthers.

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