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Rabu, 12 Oktober 2011

The poll numbers are in, the people have spoken and...

Last week, we put up this post asking people their thoughts on the song, IN THE BIG HOUSE.  We wanted to get a sense of how our readers felt since yours truly actually likes the song, but Brian over at MGoBlog - in his attempt to banish it from the earth (or at least A2) - recently declared that "everyone hates" the tune.

So we put up a poll, still visible in the upper righthand corner of the MZone's main page.  And the results are in.  As you read the results and the crack MZone team's analysis of said results, we suggest you click on the video below to hear the CNN election result theme music in order to give this post a little more gravitas.

Here we go.  We're getting the final numbers from the MZone headquarters deep beneath the Michigan Union in A2 and...

In a contest close enough to be worthy of a disputed Florida election, 50% of you replied "Yes" to our question "Do you like the song IN THE BIG HOUSE?" and 49% of you said, "No."  The reason for the "missing" 1% is due to the raw count being so close, with 182 Yeas and 175 Nays.

Bottom line according to our scientific poll: some people like it, some people don't.  Thus, in true American fashion, we at the MZone are calling this an overwhelming victory and declaring a mandate by the Wolverine faithful.  As such, we will immediately push for In The Big House to replace The Victors and Pop Evil to take over for the MMB since that's what the people seem to want.*

No word yet if Brian will demand a recount.  But our hanging chads are ready if he does!

*Please note what blog you're on before rushing in a panic to the comments section after reading that sentence.

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