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Selasa, 04 Oktober 2011

MZone Poll: In The Big House

I like it. Hell, I like it a lot.
There, I said it: I like the song IN THE BIG HOUSE by Pop Evil. And in talking to my Michigan friends, they like it, too.

But that can't be.  The dean of Michigan bloggers, Brian at MGoBlog, who judging by his posts on the subject would prefer somebody dig up Woody Hayes and place the rotted corpse at his kitchen table, recently declared that "everyone hates" IN THE BIG HOUSE.


The votes on the two most watched YouTube videos for the song (one with 136K views, the other with nearly 60K) are overwhelmingly "thumbs up" (875 likes vs. 30 dislikes on one, 462 vs. 15 on the other). It received a 5 star rating from listeners on iTunes thus far.  And, probably most importantly, apparently the players like it.

Yet Brian likens IN THE BIG HOUSE to, uh, things like...this from ND.  Now, you can not like IN THE BIG HOUSE.  You can even dislike it.  But to compare it to  Seems like comparing apples to orange-colored musical vomit.

I wonder if Brian's dislike hatred jihad against the song has anything to do with the band behind it.  They're some blue collar heavy metal road band from Michigan that I - and I'm guessing most of you - never heard of before IN THE BIG HOUSE.  And I don't know Brian personally or his musical tastes.  But judging by some of his posts, I wonder if IN THE BIG HOUSE was instead sung by Morrissey and a little more plaintive - rather than by a group that sounds like the opening act on the Kalamazoo stop of Motley Crue's 7th 8th 23rd comeback tour - he'd like it more.  Don't know.

Hey, I agree with Brian on most matters Michigan: I'm not really a fan of the numbers on the side of the helmet, but whatever;  I loathed the "halo" around the stadium; I absolutely hate the idea of some dude in a fuzzy suit roaming the Big House sidelines calling himself "Michigan's mascot"; and I also went to Bo's gravesite to give thanks when Rich Rodriguez got canned (okay, three out of four).

But I totally disagree with him on this one.

So what do MZone readers think?  I'm curious.  I know this isn't a scientific poll, but I'd love to know how our readers feel.  Below is the song via one of the YouTube videos and in the upper righthand corner of the main page is a place to vote yea/yeah/yay or nay on the song.  So cast your ballot then leave your thoughts in the comments section.

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