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Minggu, 02 Oktober 2011

Seriously, (Little) Dude?

Last week, we put up this post about the Michigan fan flying the double bird at the BTN cameras during the SDSU game.  This week, we think we've met his son.

A late night YouTube tour turned up this video titled "It starts at birth"...

The clip's description put up by poster "DangerousHall" on YouTube reads:

While reluctantly watching the MSU/OSU game I asked my son if he was rooting for Michigan State or Ohio State. His response was "Fuck State." I wish I had coached him to say that, but it was his response to my question. I had to pull out the camera and get some proof, so here's my son using inappropriate language in the most appropriate manor.

Uh, I'm no child psychologist but I'm going to go out on a limb and point out that when you're telling your kid to "Keep saying it" and asking him "Are you saying fuck State?" and topping it all off by encouraging him to "Say fuck State!" then it sounds a little bit like coaching.  I'm just sayin'.

So while I didn't major in psych at Michigan, in my humble opinion, it doesn't start at birth. I'm gonna venture a guess and say it begins when Junior starts copying dad and realizing dad thinks it's a stitch.  It starts when a little boy figures out that when he says "that word" his dad whips out the video camera to record those f-bombs for the world to see.  Again, that's just my non-professional opinion. 

Unfortunately, the saddest part about this whole thing is I think that the Father of the Year candidate heard on the above vid is a Michigan fan.  Just a guess judging by the "while reluctantly watching the MSU/OSU game" line in the description and the "University of Michigan" listing in the TAGS section.

On a positive note, if "DangerousHall" is single, we think we've found a soulmate for him.

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