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Senin, 17 Oktober 2011

Better Late Than Never: MSU Healing Pictures

I had no idea how, uh, "important" this feature was to our readers.  But your tweets and comments were heard.  For those of you who might be new to the site, allow me to recap:

Back during the days of  The Original MZone (respect), Benny and I put up some pictures of attractive coeds after a tough Michigan loss (I can't even remember which one now) as a way to help "heal" the wounds of said loss.  And it really seemed to help our readers...cope.  When The MZone went dark, the feature was continued by Andy and T9 on Spawn of MZone (sadly, this was during the darkest days of the Rich Rod Regime and thus rather than something put up a couple times a season, the posts might as well have just been re-titled "Monday").

Flash forward to the present and, judging by your "outrage" at the lack of said pics/feature in the wake of Saturday's MSU loss, the feature is more popular than we ever imagined.  Who am I to argue?  So see below.  The voice of the people was heard!

Please note that I can't even take credit for finding the pictures today.  Rather, I got the following email from MZone reader Joe...

In case you didn't have time to research this week:

...with, let's just say, a lot more than the pictures I used here embedded in the email.  Well done, Joe!  See, folks, it's this kind of selfless act that defines a horny dude a Michigan Man the MZone reader.

ED. NOTE: For those of you who inevitably comment after the healing posts, "Dude, you should put up a 'NSFW' to warn people reading the site at work!", there's more risque stuff on Telemundo. Much more importantly, if that's your first thought upon seeing the above, it's either a) time to quit your current job if someone is looking over your shoulder that much or b) finally the sign you've been waiting for to go out and start your own company.

You're welcome.

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