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Kamis, 17 Januari 2013

Manti Te'o's Girlfriend Fake, Twitter Explodes

Clint Eastwood hits on Manti Te'o's girlfriend
If you watched college football, you knew.  And how could you not?  Every Notre Dame game, commercial, station break, holiday promo and car ad on NBC mentioned the tragic story of Irish linebacker Manti Te'o's girlfriend who had tragically died of leukemia at the beginning of the season just more than a week before Denard Robinson's Heisman hopes died in South Bend.

It was one of the most touching, moving stories of the 2012 season.

Until yesterday.

That's when the college football world was rocked with the news that Te'o's girlfriend did not in fact die -- because she did not in fact exist.  As Deadspin first reported it was all an elaborate hoax: There never was a Lennay... Keku... Kooky... Kockamamie.

Of course, we here at the MZone got absolutely nothing done from the moment we learned about the story, tweeting away the rest of the day.  So, in case you missed 'em, below are a few your perusal.  And if you'd like to follow us on Twitter, we can be found @MZoneBlog.

Somebody really should do some fact checking on that RUDY movie asap. 

Notre Dame is going to have to change that line in its fight song from "Wake up the echoes" to "Make up the echoes"

Cast your vote for Notre Dame's new slogan: 1. "Win one for The Fibber" 2. "Make up the Echoes" 3. "Pretend Like A Champion Today"

After hearing about the Manti Te'o story, I think execs at ABC just found their next Bachelor

Our favorite line from upcoming Manti Te'o movie: "Tell them to go out there with all they've got and win just one for the Fibber." 

Congrats to the MZone on being named Best Sports Blog in America!  

Manti T'eo's girlfriend is fake? Big deal. Jim Delany offered BTN membership to Maryland and Rutgers, 2 fake football teams. 

Please, before it's too late, somebody go check on Lou Holtz

Manti T'eo's girlfriend is fake?! What next, Ohio State fans claiming their bowl-banned probation team should've won the AP National Title? 

I sure wish T'eo's girlfriend had been real and Denard's 5 turnovers against ND hadn't been 

To be fair, Te'o's girlfriend was more real than his Heisman Trophy legitimacy 

BREAKING: Manti T'eo blames his fake girlfriend on violent video games and Hollywood movies.

Looks like Manti Te'o projected 1st round status in the NFL draft is now also a hoax

BREAKING: Lance Armstrong personally thanks Manti Te'o for taking the spotlight off him for a few hours

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