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Rabu, 16 Januari 2013

The Growing Reputation of Ferrum

I happened to be in a Starbucks in Williamsburg the other day, and was wearing my Ferrum alumni hat. The girl working behind the counter asked me "Did you go to Fearum"  (Not a typo, that is how she pronounced it) She told me that she considered going there at one time due to the wonderful academic offerings.  I can talk Ferrum forever, and began to tell her of the successes of the women's basketball team this season, and she said "oh I did not realize they had sports there" (Before I left, I gave her a quick overview of Ferrum football) She went on to say that in the end, she did not go to Ferrum, but she visited the campus, and that she loved it.

My years at Ferrum were an important part of my life. A short four year segment, that I will likely never forget. I have friends that I made there that I am still friends with today. Ferrum was a formative experience, an experience that affected greatly my still developing person. When I was at Ferrum the campus was much different. The bookstore was in the basement of Franklin Hall, and home plate to one of two softball fields sat where the bookstore is now. Franklin Hall is so different it's unbelievable Downstairs, there was a combination post office/ game room, (game room consisted of 2 pool tables, a pinball machine, and Ms Pac Man) a small deli type restaurant that I think was called the Panthers Den, the campus radio station, The Campus Programs Office and the bookstore.
Upstairs, was the cafeteria, and while the quality of the food has likely improved, the cafeteria workers were excellent. I will always remember Zoe' and Mrs. Mountcastle. Mrs. Mountcastle would always make sure you got enough food. If you got there late, or just did not like what they were serving, she would make you a cheese sandwich so
you did not go without.
The facility improvements that have taken place since then are amazing. While I will not try to list them all, it is not an exaggeration at all to say that the campus is  magnificent!
As for Ferrum's football facility, I have been to many home games in recent years, and I have never seen the field look better, The Norton Center is the diamond on Ferrum's crown, and with the planned new press box/concession stand, things just keep getting better. Ferrum is developing a great reputation. Whether it be through the impression a visitor gets by seeing the beautiful campus, the diverse academic offerings, or the quality and success of the athletic teams, Ferrum is on a roll.

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