The photo I had in mind comes from a previous MZone post on November 1, 2007. Entitled Caption Contest: M Go Mardi Gras!, I thought the New Orleans connection and beaded content would have made it the perfect choice based the explanation above. Thankfully, I didn't need to use it. Because if you think a loss would have made you ill...
Here's the original post with the pic that would have been used:
Yesterday, reader WM sent us perhaps the greatest single reader-submitted picture in the history of the MZone. NSFW? Folks, this thing is Not Safe For Life!
First, the setup courtesy of WM's email...
"I'm a big fan of your blog and live in Houston, TX. I just traveled up there for the Michigan/Minnesota game, and I wanted to share a pic I took from that game, and more IMPORTANTLY, and picture from Mardi Gras several years ago. I'm wearing a Michigan hat and the rest....well, the rest explains itself! Thought you may be able to use the Mardi Gras pic for some lighthearted comedy!"
Talk about burying the lead. He sends a picture of Michigan running out of the tunnel which is good, you know. Then the one below...
(ED. NOTE: Please finish any and all beverages you are currently drinking before scrolling down)

Do you fine people have idea how many pixels of blackout I had to use to make this remotely semi-safe for our often-R-rated-but-never-X-rated site? Those were the largest areolas I've ever seen in my life - real, pornographic or imagined.
Sweet Jesus! He's being swallowed alive. His buddy right next to him could have been shouting WM's name at the top of his lungs and he wouldn't have heard shit.
And check out the reactions of the guy in the Dolphins hat on the left and the dude in the background. Priceless. Simply priceless.
Folks, this deserves a caption contest - nay, demands it. Here's what we came up with...
"New Orleans ear muffs."Leave us your best in the comments section while I go gouge my eyes out with a tuning fork.
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