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Rabu, 04 Januari 2012

Brendan Gibbons would approve of this post

From last night's post-game presser...

Question: Brendan, what was going through your mind as Virginia Tech calls time out and it's overtime you're lining up that kick and thinking about lining up that kick? What was going through your mind before the kick in overtime, during the timeout and all that?

U-M KICKER BRENDAN GIBBONS: Brunette girls. Every time we were like struggling in kicking, Coach tells me to think about girls on a beach or brunette girls. So that's what we did. Made the kick.

Excellent idea.  So we put the picture up below.  Not for us, but for Brendan Gibbons.

And if you're struggling in your job today, try thinking of this brunette.

Hell, can't hurt.

(HT: MGoBlog for transcript)

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