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Selasa, 17 Januari 2012

MZone on strike today to protest SOPA & PIPA

If I had any clue how to dig into the MZone's HTML without fear of totally screwing up everything, you would be looking at this more professional and impressive strike page.  Since I'm lost when it comes to the code stuff, you get this half-ass attempt instead.  But the intent today is the same: to join websites Google, Wikipedia, Bluehost, Craigslist, Reddit, Mozilla and hundreds of others to protest Internet censorship bills SOPA and PIPA.

For the record, we are TOTALLY AGAINST sites that simply exist to traffic in stolen TV shows, movies, music and the creative efforts of others.  Internet piracy is a real problem.  However, when the decision as to what constitutes such creative thievery is left to a handful of entertainment companies and folks like Rupert Murdoch (who is for both the bills as you can see via his tweets), then I get more than a little nervous.  These are, after all, the same companies that tried to stop the VCR from ever being citing piracy in the famous Betamax Case  (Note: I would have linked to Wikipedia's explanation of that case.  But since they're dark today...)

Yes, Internet piracy must be stopped.  But these bills aren't the answer. 

Click here to get an overview of both sides of the debate.

Click here to contact your representative in Congress.

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