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Kamis, 25 Agustus 2011

Why politics and college football smack on a bumper sticker don't mix

I love when Tosu* fans make blogging easy (gee, how many times have I said that here at the MZone?).

Example #468:

Got an email from our pal, SiC, yesterday.  He was driving in C-bus and found himself behind the car in the pic below.  In case you can't make it out, the license plate is "USAOSU" and the bumper sticker reads, "Born in the USA  NO Taliban, Born in OHIO  No Michigan" - yes, with the "an" in both Michigan and Taliban underlined.  As SiC said, "not sure wtf that even means!"

Me neither.  But what do you expect from a guy who drives a MINI-VAN.

You know, each time I get an email from SiC, I end up shaking my head at what he must have to deal with living behind enemy lines like that.  How the dude survives there is beyond me.

No, I don't mean how does he, as a Michigan fan, put up with it.  I literally mean how does he not end up getting killed down there.

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