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Senin, 15 Agustus 2011

Guest Post: Brady Hoke vs. Big Ten Coaches

Last week, I got an email from a recent U-M grad now working for a tech start-up in Santa Barbara, CA.  The company,, makes objective comparisons that allow users to sort and filter by what criteria is most important to them. He explained how the site is useful for college football fans and asked if he could write up a short post about it.  


Growing up a Michigan football fan has been a true honor.  Up until the Rich Rodriguez era this consisted of being part of winning seasons, trips to the Rose Bowl, and having the opportunity to watch some of college football’s greatest players (e.g. Charles Woodson – college football’s greatest player).  Unfortunately though, Rich Rodriguez was not able to continue the Michigan tradition of winning. With that said, I’m not going to sit here and put all the blame on him, I will say though, that the firing of Rich Rodriguez and the hiring of Brady Hoke was probably the right move.

So the question now is, can Brady Hoke return Michigan Football to glory?  Only time will tell.   What can be examined currently though is how Brady Hoke stacks up to the rest of college football’s coaches.  A new comparison tool from allows you to search and compare college football coaches by criteria such as school, winning percentage, age, salary, and much more.

Using FTB’s comparison tool you can compare Brady Hoke to the rest of the Big Ten coaches and see how he fairs (Big Ten Coaches).  Or maybe you want to see how Brady compares to his little brother; you could simply compare Brady Hoke vs. Mark Dantonio and see that Brady Hoke (53 years old) is actually 2 years younger than his little brother Mark (55 years old).  Or even better, maybe you were interested in the Cheaters State University (OSU) coach Luke Fickell; you could compare Brady to the cheaters coach and see that Brady has much more experience than Fickell - (Brady Hoke vs. Luke Fickell).

Furthermore, maybe you just wanted to explore the comparison a little bit; it would allow you to see who the highest paid active college football coaches are (Nick Saban - $6 million per year).  Or see who the oldest active college football coaches are, though it wouldn’t take a rocket scientist to know that Joe Paterno is the oldest at the age of 84 years old.  Or my personal favorite; who the winningest coaches are.  Because at the end of the day while a clean program comes first, winning is crucial.  Chip Kelly just so happens to be the winningest active coach in college football currently (though he’s only coached 2 seasons to date).

Whether you want to compare Brady Hoke to the rest of the coaches in college football or just want to have a little fun seeing who makes what or how many bowl appearances each coach has FindTheBest’s College Football Coaches Comparison is a great resource for all Michigan Football Diehards out there.

Go Blue!

Vincent Bradley/Class of 2011

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