Yes, 53 years ago today, Coach Hoke entered the world: already donning a leather helmet, some menacing eyeblack, and clutching a pigskin under one arm. It is rumored that his first words were "toughness" and "accountability" - but that could just be an urban legend. Based upon what I know of Coach Hoke, I tend to believe the former. The man was born for football.

Growing up, there was a sign that hung at the entrance of his childhood home: "Life is spelled F-O-O-T-B-A-L-L." That phrase pretty much defines Coach. Before every game in high school, he would head out to his garage and hit a punching bag for a while: followed by sitting down at the piano and plunking the keys a bit and maybe hit the snare drum for a while. Then, it was go time. Always moving. Always trying to improve. That's Brady Hoke. Even then, he was going to compete, as hard as he could, and he was going to win. He has brought that mentality with him to Ann Arbor, and boy does it show.
So, in honor of Coach's birthday, I decided to see what other November 3rd babies were out there. Who else shares this day of honor, you ask?

The one and only Dolph Lundgren. Ivan Drago. He and Coach both have something in common: a master's degree in Bad Assness. That is a real degree at Ball State. Seriously.

Charles Bronson. Star of "The Dirty Dozen" and "Deathwish." Yet another bad-ass born on 11/3. Coach was actually offered a small role in "The Magnificent Seven" opposite Bronson as a gun-toting two-year-old with a set of spurs and an attitude: but, his mom felt he should concentrate on blocking and tackling instead. Thank you, Mama Hoke.

Roseanne Barr was also born on November 3rd. It has been rumored that she calls Coach Hoke every year and sings him her own screeching rendition of "Happy Birthday." Not the best present.

And then, there's the man of the hour: our coach.
Fans, I've gotta say: as a die-hard Michigan fan since the glory days of Bo and Ufer - and with Hokeamania in full effect and sweeping across the Wolverine nation - I couldn't be happier on this November 3rd. Michigan is back, my friends: and soon to be better than ever - thanks to having our fearless leader back on the sidelines for the maize and blue.
So, Happy Birthday, Coach Hoke! Thank you for all that you have done for us. You embody all that is a true Michigan Man to me, and I couldn't be more proud to call you our coach. Thank you for always leading by example, and for your unwavering commitment and undying love for the university that we hold so dear. Best wishes for a great year - and many more great seasons - ahead.
We sure are happy to have you home!
][V][ GO BLUE!
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