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Sabtu, 17 September 2011

Blackhats Fall 38-14 Not A Total Loss At All

As the final seconds ticked off of the scoreboard clock at Hampden-Sydney, I am sure some people left with disappointment, and confusion. For me, I left realizing that Ferrum had played well, and had probably done better against the #23 team in the country than either of it's first two opponents. First Ferrum did far better than I had predicted, and second, held one of the best offenses in the country 15.5 points under it's scoring average.  Ferrum cut it's penalties from 13 for 134 yards, to 5 for 37 yards
Ferrum was less successful against the run than against Emory and Henry, but they only gave up 157 yards on 36 rushes. (4.4 yards per carry)
Against who is undoubtedly one of the best quarterbacks in Division III, the Panthers gave up 375 yards passing, but did collect two interceptions. Lastly, Ferrum won the time of possession battle by just over 5 mins.

This was not a game that I or many others for that matter gave Ferrum a reasonable chance of winning, but for me the reward in this game would be in showing improvement and taking the lessons of today forward.

The Panther offense seemed to have success at times moving the ball, but at other times found it difficult. From my vantage point, the option attack seemed to be working well, and the passing attack gelled in the second half especially. This game will provide more lessons in the film room, when the players can sit and watch what they did, and hopefully gain a better understanding of their role.

I am glad I was there, and while I wish they had won, I can gain satisfaction knowing that this game means important things for the Panthers football future. Great effort today! Keep your heads up!

Go Panthers!

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