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Selasa, 15 Maret 2011

Baaaad search engine results bring sheep f*ckers to MZone

Sometimes I check out site's stats to see how folks are finding the MZone.  I especially like to see what Google search terms bring readers to our humble little corner of cyberspace.

For instance, there are some 35 million search results for "M Zone" if you type the term into Google, but we're #1, which is nice.

Sadly, there are some search terms that bring people to our blog who are probably really disappointed when they realize they stumbled upon a college football blog.  Like last night, for example.  I saw somebody came our way after doing a Google search for - wait for it - "Best way to have sex with sheep."

Of the almost 2.2 million (yes, MILLION) results for such a query, for some reason the M Zone shows up in the #3 spot on page one.

Now, I didn't remember writing a sheep f*cker post so I clicked on the link to find this mini-blurb of an off-season post from March 2010 about an Arizona man who was very fond of his neighbors livestock.

See how bleak it gets during the off-season when Ohio State coaches aren't lying and our b-ball team isn't making The Dance?

What are you looking at?  This is a college football blog.

ED. NOTE: Sadly, just posting this post about the above will probably take us to #1 in the sheep f*cker search engine results. Great.

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