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Sabtu, 03 Oktober 2009

Ferrum falls to NC Wesleyan 34-24Da Gall of them Bishops!

On a day that held the promise of a reunion with friends,and seeing the Panthers first conference victory, I was subjected to disappointment, and fairly severe pain. It was not the Panther defeat that caused the pain, rather it was my 49 year old body deciding to cash in a chip to Father Time. On Friday morning at about 3:00 a.m., I had a sharp pain in my back that woke me. I paid it no attention at first, as I attributed it to old age and a somewhat uncomfortable mattress. As I twisted and stretched to try to gain some relief, I knew that this pain was a little different than the others I had felt. Soon the pain was in my upper abdomen, and I felt a direct connection between the pain in the back and the new found irritation in the front. I laid there for a while, got up and walked around in the house, watched some TV, and then at around 4:30 decided that this was not an ordinary pain. I wondered if I was having a heart attack...I ruled that out as the symptoms were not quite right. At about 5 a.m., I decided that it was time to get some professional input, so I proceeded directly to the Emergency Room at Williamsburg Regional Medical Center. After some effective and somewhat pleasurable pain medication, and several hours of waiting in a room, I was told I would be getting a CT scan, and an ultra sound of the gall bladder. BINGO!! The chip that had cashed in was the ol' gall bladder. Chocked full of gall stones, the ER doctor told me that my gall bladder was hotter than a fire cracker and would have to come out. The surgeon was lined up for later in the afternoon, and about 4:30 p.m., I was wheeled to a room to try to gain relief through procedure that would not be surgical, but should afford me some comfort. The bad news is that this did not take the place of the surgery, and the even worse news was when I woke up from the procedure, I was told it was not sucessful. That left the surgery which would be sometime Saturday. On Saturday, they came to get me right about time for kickoff. Well the surgery went well, and I was back in my room in time to follow the live stats on my brother's laptop. Unfortunately, by the time I got back, Ferrum was burning it's final timeout, and the game outcome was a formality. So how does one report on a game that he was anesthetized through? In this case, I will pass on writing this one up, and just hope for a big win at home this week. Thanks for following the blog, and I hope you understand.


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