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Kamis, 05 Juli 2007

MLB All-Star Snubs

Now that we (I include you, the reader in this, because I'm nice like that) have looked at the fan vote in both the American League and the National League, it's time to look at the snubs. Because it wouldn't really be an All-Star game if we didn't do that.

American League
Kevin Youkilis - As a Twins fan, I hate to say it but I think Youkilis has been the best first baseman in the AL, probably even more deserving than Morneau. Carlos Pena would actually be another really strong possibility, but he doesn't have quite the ABs that the top guys have.

Orlando Cabrera - Looking at the numbers, he's been a lot better than Mike Young has been this year. Young is only on because they needed a Texas Ranger (and no, Sammy Sosa is nowhere near deserving), but that doesn't make Cabrera any less deserving.

Curtis Granderson - 23 doubles, 15 triples, 11 HR. I'm not sure people know just how good Granderson has been so far this year.

Gary Sheffield - He had a really slow start and he might be penalized a bit because he is a DH now, but he definitely deserves a spot. He should be on the team over a guy like Manny Ramirez, who is having a down year.

Jeremy Guthrie - This is a bit borderline... he's been good, but I'm not sure he's definitely better than any pitcher that made the team. So he gets the weak vote here.

National League

Chipper Jones - He is hurt a lot by the fact that he has had some injury problems and has missed some time this year, but he's deserving, I think. He's got an OBP over .400 and is hitting for a good amount of power. When healthy, he's been the best 3B in the NL this year.

Hanley Ramirez - He's been the best SS in the NL this year... so he should be on the team over Hardy (who made it as a reserve) or Freddy Sanchez, who wins the vote as the worst All-Star this year. For crying out loud, Ian Snell should have been the Pirate choice... Sanchez' only way of being at this All-Star game should have been for him to buy a ticket.

Edgar Renteria - See Ramirez, Hanley. Except replace best SS in the NL this year with 2nd best SS in the NL this year.

Adam Dunn - I was tempted to put Hunter Pence here, but I'll give the nod to Dunn because he has a lot more PAs. Either way, both guys should be in above Carlos Lee. Lee is hitting well, but Dunn is hitting for more power.

Ian Snell - As mentioned, he should be representing the Pirates here, not Freddy Sanchez. He's been very good this year and his peripherals suggest he should be able to keep it up.

Derek Lowe - With all due respect to Ben Sheets (who is having a nice year), how does Sheets get in over Lowe? They strike out a comparable amount of guys, Sheets has a little better control, but Lowe has allowed half the HR that Sheets has.

Who are your choices?

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