Hey take a look at this!!!!!
ESPN Headline
Selasa, 28 Februari 2012
Harlem Ambasadors sue Harlem Wizards over LaMarvon Jackson
Back in 2006, we blogged about the Harlem Ambassadors taking on the Harlem Globetrotters in an FTC complaint over the Globetrotters'"use of arenas" clauses that allegedly prevented the Ambassadors from playing in certain arenas.
Six years later, the Ambassadors are back in sports legal news. This time they have filed a lawsuit against the Harlem Wizards over the Wizards allegedly trying to sign LaMarvon Jackson, who the Ambassadors say was under contract to play for them. The 6'6 Jackson didn't exactly have a big impact as a college basketball player -- he averaged just 1 point per game over two seasons at the University of Arkansas Little Rock from 2007 to 2009 -- but has apparently became a coveted professional comedy basketball player. Or at least one worthy of filing a lawsuit.
Here is an excerpt from the Ambassadors' press release on the lawsuit:
An aside: for law students looking for paper/journal topics, exhibition/comedy basketball could have some fertile legal ground to explore.
UPDATE: Dale Moss, President of the Harlem Ambassadors, emails me with a "photo of Jackson in Ambassadors uniform, which we will prove is the rightful uniform." Here it is:
Six years later, the Ambassadors are back in sports legal news. This time they have filed a lawsuit against the Harlem Wizards over the Wizards allegedly trying to sign LaMarvon Jackson, who the Ambassadors say was under contract to play for them. The 6'6 Jackson didn't exactly have a big impact as a college basketball player -- he averaged just 1 point per game over two seasons at the University of Arkansas Little Rock from 2007 to 2009 -- but has apparently became a coveted professional comedy basketball player. Or at least one worthy of filing a lawsuit.
Here is an excerpt from the Ambassadors' press release on the lawsuit:
HARLEM AMBASSADORS FILE SUIT AGAINST HARLEM WIZARDSComplaint against comedy basketball competitor is no laughing matter* * *
The complaint, filed in DuPage County, Illinois Circuit Court, alleges that the Harlem Wizards tortiously interfered with a contractual relationship between the Harlem Ambassadors and a basketball player, LaMarvon Jackson.“Just like a referee decides who’s playing fair and who’s breaking the rules on the basketball court, we need the court to make a similar determination,” said Dale Moss, President of the Harlem Ambassadors. He added that “our goal is to protect the sanctity of our performer agreements.” The Ambassadors are seeking more than $70,000 in general contract and punitive damages.Both Harlem Ambassadors, Inc. and Harlem Wizards Entertainment Basketball, Inc. are independent professional basketball organizations and neither is affiliated with a league. “If this were a league matter, the issue is so clear and so simple that a wise commissioner would resolve this in minutes,” observed Moss.

UPDATE: Dale Moss, President of the Harlem Ambassadors, emails me with a "photo of Jackson in Ambassadors uniform, which we will prove is the rightful uniform." Here it is:
Senin, 27 Februari 2012
Harvard law School Sports Law Symposium on March 23
I'm looking forward to joining many others for what should be a fantastic symposium at Harvard Law School on Friday, March 23. Here are the details:
Spring 2012 Sports Law Symposium - Friday, March 23, 2012
Professional Sports in America:
Labor Peace BUT...
Harvard Law School
Friday, March 23, 2012
Harvard Law School’s Committee on Sports and Entertainment Law will host the 2012 Sports Law Symposium on Friday, March 23, 2012. CSEL’s 2012 Sports Law Symposium will focus on the legal and business issues surrounding the recent collective bargaining disputes in the three major leagues and the issues that must still be worked out. The overarching theme of the symposium will be:“Professional Sports in America: Labor Peace BUT...”
The event is free and open to the public.
9:00 – 9:30 am | Continental Breakfast | Ames Courtroom |
9:30 – 10:45 am | NBA Collective Bargaining Panel | Ames Courtroom |
11:00 am – 12:15 pm | NFL Collective Bargaining Panel | Ames Courtroom |
12:30 – 1:45 pm | The Concussion Crisis in Professional Sports and Presentation of the Professor Emeritus Paul Weiler Scholarships and Writing Prize | Ames Courtroom |
2:00 – 3:15 pm | MLB Collective Bargaining Panel | Ames Courtroom |
3:30 – 4:45 pm | Performance Enhancing Drugs Panel | Ames Courtroom |
5:00 – 6:00 pm | Keynote Speech | Ames Courtroom |
6:15 – 8:00 pm | Symposium Reception | Austin Rotunda |
*Panel Compositions subject to change
This year saw the NBA season cut short by failure to reach agreement on a new Collective Bargaining Agreement between the NBAPA and the League. While an agreement was reached, labor peace is by no means assured. With negotiations recently completed in the NFL and upcoming in the MLB, collective bargaining remains an important topic. With representatives from the NBAPA, the NBA, and third parties, this panel will explore the major bargaining difficulties each party faced, how agreement was finally reached, and what might lie ahead for labor relations in the three major leagues.
- TIME: 9:30-10:45am (Ames Courtroom)
- Moderator: Professor Michael McCann (Professor of Law Vermont Law School, SI.com, NBA TV Legal Analyst)
- Mike Zarren, Esq. (Boston Celtics Assistant General Manager and General Counsel)
- Yared Alula, Esq. (NBAPA Counsel)
- Jeff Mishkin, Esq. (Skadden Arps, former NBA EVP and Chief Legal Officer)
- Darren Heitner, Esq. (Wolfe Law Miami, P.A./CEO Dynasty Dealings, LLC)
Over the course of this past summer, thirty-one NFL team owners and the NFL Players’ Association (NFLPA) agreed to a new 10 year Collective Bargaining Agreement. This panel endeavors to elucidate the issues regarding rookie and retiree benefits that the new agreement has not sufficiently addressed. In the case of the former, the new wage scale forecloses any possibility of a number 1 draft pick reaching a deal that remotely resembles what Sam Bradford (the number 1 draft pick for the 2010-2011 season) had been able to secure: a six-year, $78 million deal. In the case of the latter, the settlement of the Carl Eller suit filed by retired players following the adoption of the new agreement has led many retired players to believe that they have been left out in the cold.
A number of retired players along with draft eligible prospects not covered by the previous CBA, led by former Hall of Famer Carl Eller, had filed a class action antitrust suit against the NFL (Eller v. NFL) on the following grounds:
· The NFLPA intentionally bargained for terms that contravened the rights of retired players against the NFL; and
· The NFLPA failed in their “fiduciary duty” to retired players by bargaining for current players’ rights at their expense.
Given that the District Court consolidated the retirees’ class action lawsuit with Brady v NFL, the players’ class action antitrust lawsuit against the NFL following the decertification of the Players’ Association, and the suits were dismissed once the NFL and the NFLPA reached an accord, this issue remains unsettled at this time. Not only will this panel will discuss the aforementioned open items, this discussion will also look back at the issues that led to the newly adopted CBA.
- TIME: 11:00am-12:15pm (Ames Courtroom)
- Moderator: Professor Glenn Wong (UMass Isenberg School of Management)
- Professor Matt Mitten (Professor of Law Marquette University Law School, Director National Sports Law Institute)
- Professor Patrick Rishe (Forbes.com Contributor, Associate Professor Webster University)
- Jeff Pash, Esq. (EVP and General Counsel NFL)
- Pete Kendall (NFLPA permanent player representative)
- Joe Nahra, Esq. (CAA Bussiness & Legal Affairs Attorney, NFLPA Staff Counsel)
The mission of the Sports Legacy Institute is to advance the study, treatment and prevention of the effects of brain trauma in athletes and other at-risk groups. SLI was founded on June 14, 2007 by Chris Nowinski and Dr. Robert Cantu in reaction to new medical research indicating brain trauma in sports had become a public health crisis. SLI has formalized groundbreaking neuropathological research by partnering with Boston University School of Medicine to form the Center for the Study of Traumatic Encephalopathy. SLI Co-Founder and Medical Advisory Board chair Dr. Robert Cantu and other panelists will discuss SLI’s research and address the concussion crisis as it relates to the NHL. Professor Carfagna will also present Professor Emeritus Paul Weiler Scholarships and Professor Emeritus Paul Weiler Writing Prize at this time.
- TIME: 12:30-1:45pm (Ames Courtroom)
- Moderator: Professor Peter Carfagna (Lecturer on Law Harvard Law School, Chairman/CEO Magis LLC)
- Tim Fleiszer (Representative Sports Legacy Institute, Partner at Gil Sports Management)
- Mark Moore (Author, Saving the Game)
- Dr. Robert Cantu, MD. (Clinical Professor of Neurosurgery at BUSM, Co-Director of the Center for the Study of Traumatic Encephalopathy, Co-founder and Medical Advisory Board Chairman Sports Legacy Institute)
- Dr. Judith Edersheim, Esq. MD (Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry Harvard Medical School, Co-Director of the Center for Law, Brain and Behavior)
While the NFL and NBA collective bargaining disputes led to litigation and cancelled games, on November 22, 2011 Major League Baseball and the Major League Baseball Players Association announced that they had reached a new collective bargaining agreement without any missed games or practice time. The agreement allows play to continue without interruption through the 2016 season, and the end of the agreement will mark 21 years without a strike or lockout. This panel will explore the reasons MLB has been able to maintain labor peace for such an extended period of time and discuss issues that may threaten this peace in the future.
- TIME: 2:00-3:15pm (Ames Courtroom)
- Moderator: Professor Lisa Masteralexis (Department Head, Mrk H. McCormack Department of Sport Management at UMass Amherst)
- Paul Mifsud, Esq. (Senior Counsel MLB)
- Damon Jones, Esq. (Washington Nationals General Counsel)
- Mary Braza, Esq. (Foley Lardner)
- Matt Nussbaum, Esq. (MLBPA Assistant General Counsel)
PANEL #5 - Performance Enhancing Drugs
Performance Enhancing Drugs have been getting a lot of attention lately throughout professional sports. They caused arguably the biggest scandal in Major League Baseball history and the issue still rears its ugly head every time Hall of Fame ballots are cast. That problem will only grow in significance as the all-time homerun leader and several other top players of the '90s and 2000s approach eligibility. Baseball isn't the only sport that's been rocked by steroids recently, and in every sport dealing with them a similar set of legal and regulatory issues arises: how should the sport regulate their use ex ante? How should the sport's authorities punish those who break the rules? What is the appropriate role of the government, if any? What role should the courts take in hearing suits brought by aggrieved players claiming false accusations or faulty tests? Our panel will explore these issues from the perspectives of several different professional sports and several different positions within the sports world.
- TIME: 3:30-4:45pm (Ames Courtroom)
- Moderator: Professor Warren Zola (Assistant Dean for Graduate Programs, Carroll School of Management at Boston College)
- Bob Arum, Esq. (Founder and CEO Top Rank Promoting)
- Adolpho Birch, Esq. (Sr. Vice President of Law & Labor Policy NFL)
- George Hanna (Senior Director of Investigations MLB)
- Dan Mullin (Vice President and Director MLB Department of Investigations)
- David Cornwell, Esq. (DNK Cornwell)
Minggu, 26 Februari 2012
Ferrum's Lady Panthers going to the Big Dance
While this site is dedicated to Ferrum's football program, it is more importantly dedicated to Ferrum. Today, The Ferrum women's basketball team dispatched the Christopher Newport Captains 82-56, to win the USA South Conference tournament, and will advance to the NCAA tournament. This will be Ferrum's first appearence in the NCAA tournament since 1995.
Tesla Akers was the tournament MVP, and also became the newest member of the Ferrum 1000 point club. Ferrum will find out tomorrow who they will play in the NCAA tournament.
Congratulations on this major milestone!
Story from usasouth.net is below:
Ferrum Women USA South Champions
Tesla Akers was the tournament MVP, and also became the newest member of the Ferrum 1000 point club. Ferrum will find out tomorrow who they will play in the NCAA tournament.
Congratulations on this major milestone!
Story from usasouth.net is below:
Ferrum Women USA South Champions
Jumat, 24 Februari 2012
Ryan Braun and Proceduralism
Emily Bazelon has an essay at Slate framing the decision overturning Ryan Braun's suspension in the context of the (somewhat unique) U.S. emphasis on procedural rights even in the face of substantive guilt. The media and public discussion of the Braun case in the next few days will illustrate how the public at large internalizes (or doesn't internalize) concerns for procedural justice.
Kamis, 23 Februari 2012
I’m Begging You for Mercy
As the hit song by Duffy goes:
You got me beggin' you for mercy
Why won't you release me
You got me beggin' you for mercy
Why won't you release me
I said release me
Deep in the middle of the 426 pages that comprise the 2011-12 NCAA Division I Manual is Bylaw entitled “Contacts & Evaluations: Four –Year College Prospective Student-Athletes” which reads:
“An athletics staff member…shall not make contact with the student-athlete of another NCAA collegiate institution…without first obtaining the written permission of the first institution’s athletics director to do so…regardless of who makes the initial contact.”
The result is that while coaches are free to enjoy free agency and jump from school to school at will, a student-athlete needs permission from his or her school’s athletic department before a conversation with another school is allowed.
If the request for contact under Bylaw is granted, the student-athlete may transfer, accept a scholarship, and compete immediately. If the request is denied, the student-athlete is free to transfer to another institution but must do so without any contact with the athletic department or any form of athletic scholarship. After transferring, after one calendar year the student-athlete may accept a scholarship and compete.
Additionally, further restrictions are placed on individuals in the sports of baseball, basketball, football, and men’s ice hockey in Bylaw entitled “One-Time Transfer Exception.” Under this rule, even if a student-athlete is granted permission to transfer, they must sit one year before being able to compete in these sports unless granted an additional release from his or her initial institution. Permission is therefore required for an immediate scholarship and the right to compete—the problem is that this permission is often withheld and the process to challenge a denial flawed.
These restrictions are intended to curtail the free movement of student-athletes. Typically, schools allow their student-athletes the ability to compete immediately if the transfer is based on personal hardship (returning home to care for a sick relative) or if the student-athlete has graduated and intends to pursue graduate work at a school that offers graduate coursework in a field that the initial school does not.
The basic concept, rooted deep into the NCAA rules and codified in the National Letter of Intent (NLI) that every student-athlete signs, is that the student commits to an institution not a coach. While coaches may make promises about building something together and partnership for the future with a recruited student-athlete, when recruiting a student-athletes these promises are, under the NCAA rules, unenforceable and irrelevant.
Undoubtedly written by lawyers, there is a semblance of due process in both transfer bylaws which provides a student-athlete, denied the transfer request by his or her institution, the right to a hearing. The rules read, in part, that the student-athlete may be “provided a hearing conducted by an institutional entity or committee outside of the athletic department.”
To summarize: the NCAA rules, written by schools claiming to protect the best interests of student-athletes, allow coaches to move about at will but student-athletes need permission to do so. Certainly schools may limit coaching movement by attempting to enforce employment contracts but there has been limited success in the court system in this regard.
For three recent examples (The University of Maryland, Kansas University, and Saint Joseph's University) along with my recommendations, check out the full article at the Huffington Post.
You got me beggin' you for mercy
Why won't you release me
You got me beggin' you for mercy
Why won't you release me
I said release me
Deep in the middle of the 426 pages that comprise the 2011-12 NCAA Division I Manual is Bylaw entitled “Contacts & Evaluations: Four –Year College Prospective Student-Athletes” which reads:
“An athletics staff member…shall not make contact with the student-athlete of another NCAA collegiate institution…without first obtaining the written permission of the first institution’s athletics director to do so…regardless of who makes the initial contact.”
The result is that while coaches are free to enjoy free agency and jump from school to school at will, a student-athlete needs permission from his or her school’s athletic department before a conversation with another school is allowed.
If the request for contact under Bylaw is granted, the student-athlete may transfer, accept a scholarship, and compete immediately. If the request is denied, the student-athlete is free to transfer to another institution but must do so without any contact with the athletic department or any form of athletic scholarship. After transferring, after one calendar year the student-athlete may accept a scholarship and compete.
Additionally, further restrictions are placed on individuals in the sports of baseball, basketball, football, and men’s ice hockey in Bylaw entitled “One-Time Transfer Exception.” Under this rule, even if a student-athlete is granted permission to transfer, they must sit one year before being able to compete in these sports unless granted an additional release from his or her initial institution. Permission is therefore required for an immediate scholarship and the right to compete—the problem is that this permission is often withheld and the process to challenge a denial flawed.
These restrictions are intended to curtail the free movement of student-athletes. Typically, schools allow their student-athletes the ability to compete immediately if the transfer is based on personal hardship (returning home to care for a sick relative) or if the student-athlete has graduated and intends to pursue graduate work at a school that offers graduate coursework in a field that the initial school does not.
The basic concept, rooted deep into the NCAA rules and codified in the National Letter of Intent (NLI) that every student-athlete signs, is that the student commits to an institution not a coach. While coaches may make promises about building something together and partnership for the future with a recruited student-athlete, when recruiting a student-athletes these promises are, under the NCAA rules, unenforceable and irrelevant.
Undoubtedly written by lawyers, there is a semblance of due process in both transfer bylaws which provides a student-athlete, denied the transfer request by his or her institution, the right to a hearing. The rules read, in part, that the student-athlete may be “provided a hearing conducted by an institutional entity or committee outside of the athletic department.”
To summarize: the NCAA rules, written by schools claiming to protect the best interests of student-athletes, allow coaches to move about at will but student-athletes need permission to do so. Certainly schools may limit coaching movement by attempting to enforce employment contracts but there has been limited success in the court system in this regard.
For three recent examples (The University of Maryland, Kansas University, and Saint Joseph's University) along with my recommendations, check out the full article at the Huffington Post.
Why is it so hard for NCAA athletes to transfer?
Warren Zola will have a column on this topic in the coming days, but in the meantime, the New York Times examines NCAA rules for colleges when players seek to be released from their scholarship and transfer schools. Adam Himmelsbach interviews several people for the story, including yours truly, and it comes in the wake of Danny O'Brien and Todd O'Brien's difficulties in leaving one school to play for another. Compare how student-athletes looking to transfer are treated with other students who seek transfer from one school to another for academic (or other) reasons.
Selasa, 21 Februari 2012
West Virginia and the Big East Break-Up on Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day 2012 marked the end of the twenty-one year relationship between West Virginia University (WVU) and the Big East Conference, and while no love was lost, the parties did manage to reach a settlement agreement. The agreement settled both the lawsuit that WVU filed against the Big East at the end of October 2011 in West Virginia and the Big East’s subsequent countersuit filed against WVU less than a week later in Rhode Island. WVU sued the Big East claiming breach of fiduciary duty and the Conference brought an action claiming that WVU breached its contractual obligations to the Big East.
The settlement agreement enumerates the terms of payments to be made and requirements to be fulfilled by both parties. When WVU announced it was leaving the Big East in October 2011, it initially paid the Big East $2.5 million, only half the amount of the buyout that was stipulated in the Big East bylaws at the time. However, this buyout amount was subsequently raised to $10 million, as the Big East sought to inoculate itself from further conference poaching. The agreement calls for WVU to pay the Big East a lump sum of $8.5 million, much of which will likely come from University donors by way of the WVU Foundation, a private fundraising organization that recently set up a “Big 12 Transition Fund.”
The agreement also provides that a “Forecasted Amount” of $9 million will be forfeited by WVU, with the Big East paying WVU any amount that it is entitled to receive from 2011-2012 Conference revenues beyond that $9 million figure. The settlement also sets forth numerous other terms and conditions, including review and mutual agreement on the terms of a financial reconciliation report to be composed by the Big East at the end of the fiscal year. WVU will be required to pay any additional amounts owed to the Conference to effectuate its full release.
WVU certainly encountered several obstacles on its path to the Big 12, but it will now officially become a member of the Conference as of July 1, 2012 (pending its compliance with the settlement agreement). While this particular suit has been resolved, its precedential effect bears monitoring. Following the settlement, the Big East released a statement that reads, in part, “West Virginia University has acknowledged and agreed that the Court in Monongalia County, West Virginia, will enter a judgment that the Big East Conference Bylaws are valid and enforceable, and will dismiss with prejudice all of West Virginia’s claims against the Conference.”
However, the West Virginia Court only recognized the validity of the bylaws as part of the consent decree it issued as a result of the parties’ settlement. This recognition is not a binding declaration that every provision of the Big East bylaws is valid and enforceable against remaining members. This could leave the Big East vulnerable should another university follow in WVU’s footsteps and challenge the Conference in court. For a conference that has been particularly susceptible to departures during this recent phase of realignment, the financial settlement with West Virginia may prove illusory its ongoing pursuit of stability.
Certainly, Syracuse University and the University of Pittsburgh are watching closely as institutions leaving the Big East for the Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC), but as of now, both the Orange and the Panthers have pledged to wait the full twenty-seven months (pursuant to Big East bylaws) prior to joining the ACC, which would be the 2014-2015 season. While the Big 12 enjoys a greater individual member payout than the ACC (currently, approximately $15 million versus $13 million), the “lame duck” status and monetary gains in a move to the ACC (current Big East payout is approximately $3 million for football members*) may prove too great a temptation for the Mountaineers' former Big East brethren.
*Note that these figures are through 2013, and Big East basketball/non-football schools receive an even smaller television payout, but that this amount will assuredly go up as the market dictates despite the departure of WVU, Syracuse and Pitt.
Hat tip to law clerks Brian Konkel and Gabriela Schultz for their assistance on this piece.
Senin, 20 Februari 2012
Cardozo Law Symposium: Amateur Athletics, Professional IP: Sponsorship, Surveillance, and the London 2012 Olympics
On Thursday, March 8 the Cardozo Journal of International and Comparative Law will host a symposium titled Amateur Athletics, Professional IP: Sponsorship, Surveillance, and the London 2012 Olympics. Anyone can attend this free symposium (and if you plan on attending, please be sure to RSVP to the Symposium Editor, Wells Crandall, at richard.crandall@law.cardozo.yu.edu by March 4). Attorneys will receive 1.5 hours of transitional/nontransitional professional practice CLE for each session they attend.
I'm honored to be a panelist. Here is the schedule:
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM - Panel on surveillance at the Olympics
10:45 AM - 12:15 PM - Panel on brand protection at the Olympics
I'm honored to be a panelist. Here is the schedule:
8:30 AM - 9:00 AM - Breakfast
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM - Panel on surveillance at the Olympics
- Michael Drury, of Burton Copeland. Mr. Drury is a barrister in England who works on surveillance law. His prior post was General Counsel to the GCHQ, which stands for "Government Communications Headquarters," which is an intelligence agency in the U.K., and is akin to the NSA.
- Pete Fussey, Sociologist and Criminologist. He wrote "Securing and Sustaining the Olympic Games." He has in depth knowledge of the surveillance developments in Britain and how Britain has developed quite a bit of surveillance.
10:45 AM - 12:15 PM - Panel on brand protection at the Olympics
- Michael Kuh, associate at Latham and Watkins, who was on the Legal Advisory Group for New York's bid to the International Olympic Committee. More recently, he worked on USA bid to host the 2022 World Cup.
- Michael McCann, Sports Law Institute director at Vermont Law School and Legal Analyst at Sports Illustrated. He wrote As Super Bowl week commences, NFL's clean zones still an issue for Sports Illustrated last month and is an expert on consumer, antitrust and sports law issues.
- Ben Sturner, CEO of the Leverage Agency. He is a sports marketing agent who has 11 agents working for him. His business is marketing brands during sports events. He has attended six Olympics in a work capacity. Notably, he was involved with attempting to sell the naming rights to the "Bird's Nest" in Beijing (see WSJ article here).
12:15 PM - 1:15 PM - Lunch
UC Davis School of Law to host Scott Boras
UC Davis School of Law’s Entertainment and Sports Law Society presents “Negotiating the Largest Contracts in Sports History” with Professional Baseball Attorney Scott Boras on Monday, February 27 from 3:30pm – 4:30pm at the UC Davis ARC Ballroom.
Named the “Most Influential Non-Player in the Last 25 Years” by Baseball America, Mr. Boras has negotiated many record-setting Major League Baseball contracts since 1982. Many of his former and current clients, including Alex Rodriguez, Barry Bonds, Barry Zito, Prince Fielder, Manny Ramirez, Greg Maddux, Mark Teixeira, Matt Holiday, Jason Werth, and Carlos Beltran are among the highest paid in the game. Do not miss this once in a lifetime opportunity to hear directly from one of the most powerful and innovative people in the world of professional sports.
Admission is free and open to the public. A brief Q&A session will follow the event. To RSVP and for more information, please visit this link.
Named the “Most Influential Non-Player in the Last 25 Years” by Baseball America, Mr. Boras has negotiated many record-setting Major League Baseball contracts since 1982. Many of his former and current clients, including Alex Rodriguez, Barry Bonds, Barry Zito, Prince Fielder, Manny Ramirez, Greg Maddux, Mark Teixeira, Matt Holiday, Jason Werth, and Carlos Beltran are among the highest paid in the game. Do not miss this once in a lifetime opportunity to hear directly from one of the most powerful and innovative people in the world of professional sports.
Admission is free and open to the public. A brief Q&A session will follow the event. To RSVP and for more information, please visit this link.
Minggu, 19 Februari 2012
Sign of desperation in Columbus
This could be the funniest thing I've seen in a loooong time. It's a sign located inside the Woody Hayes Athletic Center:
Yes, Urban Meyer is trying to woo recruits by implying they'll get a better education at Ohio State than Michigan. Somewhere the editors of US News & World Report just spit food and drink all over their computer screens after seeing this one.
Stop, Urb. My side hurts.
Meyer must really be starting to feel the heat being placed on him by the recruiting machine that is Brady Hoke if this is his sales pitch for Tosu. As our friends at Maize and Blue nation said, "If you're going to compare Ohio State to Michigan, that last thing I would go after as the Buckeye coach would be quality of education."
I guess this is the future job interview process Urb is trying to sell to these recruits...
"Well, I was going to hire that kid from Michigan but he had a degree in General Studies. And those Michigan degrees just aren't what we're looking for here at J.P. Morgan Chase. No, we need more people like you, with your Family Resource Management degree from Ohio State. Welcome aboard. You'll be in the cubicle next to Johnson, another kid from Ohio State we hired due to his degree in Sport & Leisure Studies. Hell, our CFO only went to Harvard because he couldn't get in to OSU's Sport & Leisure program."
Family Fucking Resource Management? You mean balancing a check book?
And did Urb really put "Criminology" on his list with a straight face? I mean, isn't a Buckeye football player kind of a criminology major by default, simply by going to Ohio State? Good news about that degree: you can do all your term paper research just by interviewing your teammates.
Look, Buckeye fans, I know you're starting to sweat. You lost in football. You lost in basketball. And as you read this, Hoke is probably getting a verbal from another one of the top players in Ohio. It stings. I understand. But this way lies madness...and a ton o' ridicule.
Yes, Urban Meyer is trying to woo recruits by implying they'll get a better education at Ohio State than Michigan. Somewhere the editors of US News & World Report just spit food and drink all over their computer screens after seeing this one.
Stop, Urb. My side hurts.
Meyer must really be starting to feel the heat being placed on him by the recruiting machine that is Brady Hoke if this is his sales pitch for Tosu. As our friends at Maize and Blue nation said, "If you're going to compare Ohio State to Michigan, that last thing I would go after as the Buckeye coach would be quality of education."
I guess this is the future job interview process Urb is trying to sell to these recruits...
"Well, I was going to hire that kid from Michigan but he had a degree in General Studies. And those Michigan degrees just aren't what we're looking for here at J.P. Morgan Chase. No, we need more people like you, with your Family Resource Management degree from Ohio State. Welcome aboard. You'll be in the cubicle next to Johnson, another kid from Ohio State we hired due to his degree in Sport & Leisure Studies. Hell, our CFO only went to Harvard because he couldn't get in to OSU's Sport & Leisure program."
Family Fucking Resource Management? You mean balancing a check book?
And did Urb really put "Criminology" on his list with a straight face? I mean, isn't a Buckeye football player kind of a criminology major by default, simply by going to Ohio State? Good news about that degree: you can do all your term paper research just by interviewing your teammates.
Look, Buckeye fans, I know you're starting to sweat. You lost in football. You lost in basketball. And as you read this, Hoke is probably getting a verbal from another one of the top players in Ohio. It stings. I understand. But this way lies madness...and a ton o' ridicule.
Sabtu, 18 Februari 2012
A higher-profile fan ejection
Deadspin reports that former NBA and North Carolina State star Tom Gugliotta was ejected from his courtside seats during today's N.C. State loss to Florida State. The piece links to several of my past posts on cheering speech (Sports Law Blog gets results!). N.C. State is a public school, although I am not sure of the status of the off-campus RBC Center in which the Wolfpack plays (the piece describes it as a public corporation, although I'm not sure what that means).
Since ejecting a former NBA star and one of the better players in State's history is going to get more attention than ejecting a snotty 20-year-old undergrad, it will be interesting to see if and how this plays out.
Since ejecting a former NBA star and one of the better players in State's history is going to get more attention than ejecting a snotty 20-year-old undergrad, it will be interesting to see if and how this plays out.
The State of Sports Law - University of Virginia School of Law

Panel 1: NCAA Conference Realignment
As NCAA conferences realign in pursuit of the funding bonanza available from television contracts, the potential gap between the "haves" and the "have nots" continues to grow. This panel discusses the competitive impact that this discrepancy may have on those colleges and universities that are not invited to join the "super conferences." This panel explores the antitrust concerns that may arise and examines the role of Congress and the NCAA in regulating the conferences.
· Christian Dennie, Barlow Garsek & Simon
· Michael McCann ('02), Professor and Director of the Sports Law Institute, Vermont Law School
· Bernadette McGlade, Atlantic 10 Conference Commissioner
· Moderated by J. Gordon Hylton ('77), Professor of Law, Marquette University Law School
Panel 2: Legal Implications of Financial Distress in Professional Sports
As professional sports teams encounter financial hardship, conflicts in control arise. This panel explores the level of oversight that bankruptcy courts have over professional teams in the midst of financial distress and how that oversight may conflict with the power of commissioners to regulate the sport. Financial distress may lead the team to seek relocation. This panel examines the use of antitrust laws to secure the ability to relocate a franchise over league objection and the potential for expansion in the major sports leagues.
· Mark Levinstein, Williams & Connolly
· Michael McCann ('02), Professor and Director of the Sports Law Institute, Vermont Law School
· Tom Ostertag ('81), Senior Vice President and General Counsel, Major League Baseball
· Moderated by J. Gordon Hylton ('77), Professor of Law, Marquette University Law School
Keynote Address: DeMaurice Smith
DeMaurice Smith ('89), Executive Director of the National Football League Players Association, will offer his insider's view of the NFL's 2011 lockout. He will focus on the labor and legal issues surrounding the negotiation of the new ten-year Collective Bargaining Agreement with the League.Panel 3: Amateurism and the Student Athlete
Student athletes generate billions of dollars in revenues for their colleges and universities yet they share minimally in the financial spoils. Is this a wrong to be righted and if so, how? This panel debates the role of the student athlete as an amateur or an employee and the ramifications of the designation. This panel explores whether the student athlete should be compensated and whether an education is adequate consideration for the revenue he or she helps to generate. Also, this panel examines who controls the revenue stream and what role the student athlete should have in that determination.
· Christian Dennie, Barlow Garsek & Simon
· Roscoe Howard ('77), Andrews Kurth and Member of the NCAA Division I Committee on Infractions
· J. Gordon Hylton ('77), Professor of Law, Marquette University Law School
· Alan Milstein, Sherman Silverstein
· Rob Slavis, Assistant Athletic Director, University of Virginia
· Moderated by Michael McCann ('02), Professor and Director of the Sports Law Institute, Vermont Law School
Panel 4: Sports Law Analytics
As popularized in Michael Lewis’s best-selling book Moneyball and a 2011 Hollywood movie of the same name, the sports industry has firmly embraced the use of statistics, economics, and mathematics (collectively “analytics”) in various decision-making processes. Such analytics have similarly been adopted in the sports law field. This panel discusses how analytics are used in areas such as talent identification, contract negotiation, gambling corruption prevention, and antitrust litigation
· Robert Forbes ('07), Proskauer Rose
· Ryan Rodenberg, Professor, Florida State University
· Kelly Wilson, Assistant Counsel, Under Armour
· Moderated by Thomas Nachbar, Professor of Law, University of Virginia School of LawJumat, 17 Februari 2012
CNU Exit:What does it mean?
It will not mean anything for a while as far as football is concerned. CNU will be in the USA South for at least the foreseeable future. The Capitol Athletic Conference is looking to secure enough football schools to garner an automatic qualifier spot for the NCAA DIII playoffs. This would require that there be at least seven teams in the conference....currently, there are only three teams that have football in the conference: Frostburg State, Wesley, and Salisbury State. The USA South has graciously agreed to allow CNU to remain an associate member until 2015. It is hoped that by that time, the conference will be able to field the required seven teams. Should this goal be met earlier, CNU would transition to the conference on an accelerated timetable.
So what will this mean for the USA South.....several things come to mind. This may make the conference somewhat weaker on a national scale, but the equity within the conference will be far greater.
Since the CAC is looking for at least three more teams, it is possible that other USA South schools would be courted to join. I really do not see this happening, and would guess they will look North and West for other schools.
It is possible that they will try to lure away an ODAC team, but unless it was Catholic, I do not see it as an option. We will have to wait and see who else joins.
As for the USA South, I feel certain that they will maintain their seven minimum members once CNU departs. As a replacement, I think Southern Virginia University, who has started the process to become a NCAA DIII school, will be a top candidate. Other potential candidates could be Emory and Henry, or Guilford, but I do not believe either will leave the ODAC. It would be best to keep the conference at eight teams, but it may be difficult to lure in a new established DIII school.
Stand by...This may be interesting.
So what will this mean for the USA South.....several things come to mind. This may make the conference somewhat weaker on a national scale, but the equity within the conference will be far greater.
Since the CAC is looking for at least three more teams, it is possible that other USA South schools would be courted to join. I really do not see this happening, and would guess they will look North and West for other schools.
It is possible that they will try to lure away an ODAC team, but unless it was Catholic, I do not see it as an option. We will have to wait and see who else joins.
As for the USA South, I feel certain that they will maintain their seven minimum members once CNU departs. As a replacement, I think Southern Virginia University, who has started the process to become a NCAA DIII school, will be a top candidate. Other potential candidates could be Emory and Henry, or Guilford, but I do not believe either will leave the ODAC. It would be best to keep the conference at eight teams, but it may be difficult to lure in a new established DIII school.
Stand by...This may be interesting.
Kamis, 16 Februari 2012
U-M student starts "Walk of Shame" shuttle
Nothing to do with college football, but it's February and this is perfect off-season filler:
Michigan senior Kellyann Wargo has started a shuttle service so co-eds don't have have to do the dreaded "walk of shame" the morning after. For $5 bucks, one gets a ride anywhere in A2, a bottle of water and a discount coupon for the Plan B pill.
She's even made a commercial for her service...
Ah, college entrepreneurs.
Michigan senior Kellyann Wargo has started a shuttle service so co-eds don't have have to do the dreaded "walk of shame" the morning after. For $5 bucks, one gets a ride anywhere in A2, a bottle of water and a discount coupon for the Plan B pill.
She's even made a commercial for her service...
Ah, college entrepreneurs.
Violence and Aggression in Sporting Contests

The introductory chapter by Todd Jewell, Afsheen Moti, and Dennis Coates provides a fascinating history lesson about the overlap between violence/aggression and spectator sports.
Dave Berri and I wrote a chapter that includes a meta-analysis of NBA referees as regulators and a statistical look at the efficacy of the so-called "Hack-a-Shaq" strategy.
The book is part of the "Sports Economics, Management, and Policy" series edited by Dennis Coates. Additional books in the series can be found here.
Selasa, 14 Februari 2012
Okay, this was worth posting about during the off-season
There isn't much that would make me come out of my off-season blogging hiatus (having a life is nice). But then I saw that Michigander and self-proclaimed huge Michigan fan Kate Upton made the cover the latest SI swimsuit issue. So, thinking of you, the MZone reader, I believed it was my duty to report on this fact... as well as include several photos.
You're welcome.
You're welcome.
NCAA "Justice"?
For example, Nocera writes about Temi Fagbenle, a female basketball player at Harvard that the NCAA forced to forfeit a year of eligibility because she repeated

The NCAA claims it has an effective judicial process. Nocera challenges this claim in his string of articles that highlights that the NCAA cares little about an individual athlete and the repercussions an investigation will have on his or her future, when it believes that one of its rules has been broken. Nocera believes that the NCAA is out-of-control because it refuses to allow basic due process rights to the student athletes of its member institutions following an accusation of wrong doing.
Senin, 13 Februari 2012
Sport and Recreation Law Association Conference

José Veras - Milwaukee Brewers Hearing Today

Veras pitched in 79 games last year for the Pirates, and he led the team in appearances. He was traded to the Brewers by the Pirates for Casey McGehee, one of only five undecided cases left in this year’s arbitration pool. Veras had a 3.80 ERA. The team offer was $2,000,000 and the player’s request was $2,375,000. That left a midpoint of $2,187,5000. Veras was paid $1,350,000 in 2011. I am a bit surprised that the Brewers did not find common ground with Bryce Dixson, Veras’ agent, because of their strong preference towards avoiding hearings.
Daftar Negara Juara Piala Afrika
Zambia mampu meraih gelar juara Piala Afrika 2012, setelah dalam pertandingan final mengalahkan Pantai Gading lewat drama adu penalti. Berikut daftar juara Piala Afrika:
1957 Mesir
1959 Mesir
1962 Ethiopia
1963 Ghana
1965 Ghana
1968 Kongo (Kinshasa)
1970 Sudan
1972 Kongo (Brazzaville)
1974 Zaire
1976 Maroko
1978 Ghana
1980 Nigeria
1982 Ghana
1984 Kamerun
1986 Mesir
1988 Kamerun
1990 Aljazair
1992 Pantai Gading
1994 Nigeria
1996 Afrika Selatan
1998 Mesir
2000 Kamerun
2002 Kamerun
2004 Tunisia
2006 Mesir
2008 Mesir
2010 Mesir
2012 Zambia
Rekapitulasi Juara:
7 - Mesir
4 - Kamerun & Ghana
2 - Kongo (Kinshasa, termasuk Zaire) & Nigeria
1 - Aljazair, Kongo (Brazzaville), Ethiopia, Pantai Gading, Maroko, Afrika Selatan, Sudan, Tunisia dan Zambia
1957 Mesir
1959 Mesir
1962 Ethiopia
1963 Ghana
1965 Ghana
1968 Kongo (Kinshasa)
1970 Sudan
1972 Kongo (Brazzaville)
1974 Zaire
1976 Maroko
1978 Ghana
1980 Nigeria
1982 Ghana
1984 Kamerun
1986 Mesir
1988 Kamerun
1990 Aljazair
1992 Pantai Gading
1994 Nigeria
1996 Afrika Selatan
1998 Mesir
2000 Kamerun
2002 Kamerun
2004 Tunisia
2006 Mesir
2008 Mesir
2010 Mesir
2012 Zambia
Rekapitulasi Juara:
7 - Mesir
4 - Kamerun & Ghana
2 - Kongo (Kinshasa, termasuk Zaire) & Nigeria
1 - Aljazair, Kongo (Brazzaville), Ethiopia, Pantai Gading, Maroko, Afrika Selatan, Sudan, Tunisia dan Zambia
Minggu, 12 Februari 2012
The end of football?
Tyler Cowen and Kevin Grier have a piece at Grantland that hypothesizes how professional football may end as a major American professional sport under the weight of a worsening concussion crisis. They argue that the "collapse of football is more likely than you might think. . . . Once you start thinking through how the status quo might unravel, a sports universe without the NFL at its center no longer seems absurd." They also argue that the economic consequences will be minimal at the national level, although harsher at the local level in small markets (e.g., Green Bay) that only have professional football.
I agree with the basic point of the piece. I am not sure how long football can continue as it currently is played (and I say that as a big fan). It is not just about "hits to the head" and concussions. The irreducible element of the game is for incredibly large, incredibly athletic, and incredibly fast-moving men to run into one another at full speed. It is simply not possible for serious long-term healt problems to result, no matter the evolution in equipment (which the NFL promoted in a Super Bowl ad this year). All the conversations about player safety seem to ignore that modern players are significantly larger than they were 20 and certainly 50 years ago, but that they're also signficantly faster, quicker, and more agile. If F = M x A, then players today are hitting and being hit with significantly more force than 20 or 50 years ago. Neither eliminating helmet shots nor improving helmets can change that.
This doesn't mean football is going away, just that it is going to become less important to our sports culture. The chain they describe looks something like this: As fewer high schools and colleges have football programs in light of the medical evidence (and probably some large liability judgments), more and better athletes will be drawn to other sports, leaving football with less talent, less money, less cultural and media presence, and, ultimately, more of a niche place in the sports landscape.
It's an interesting take on the issue. There is historical precedent--look at boxing and horse racing. And their broader point is not so much predicting football's demise as suggesting what could happen if things play out a certain way (mostly because of the medical, and subsequent legal, issues) and the status quo unravels. And who better than economists to follow the logical trail . . .
I agree with the basic point of the piece. I am not sure how long football can continue as it currently is played (and I say that as a big fan). It is not just about "hits to the head" and concussions. The irreducible element of the game is for incredibly large, incredibly athletic, and incredibly fast-moving men to run into one another at full speed. It is simply not possible for serious long-term healt problems to result, no matter the evolution in equipment (which the NFL promoted in a Super Bowl ad this year). All the conversations about player safety seem to ignore that modern players are significantly larger than they were 20 and certainly 50 years ago, but that they're also signficantly faster, quicker, and more agile. If F = M x A, then players today are hitting and being hit with significantly more force than 20 or 50 years ago. Neither eliminating helmet shots nor improving helmets can change that.
This doesn't mean football is going away, just that it is going to become less important to our sports culture. The chain they describe looks something like this: As fewer high schools and colleges have football programs in light of the medical evidence (and probably some large liability judgments), more and better athletes will be drawn to other sports, leaving football with less talent, less money, less cultural and media presence, and, ultimately, more of a niche place in the sports landscape.
It's an interesting take on the issue. There is historical precedent--look at boxing and horse racing. And their broader point is not so much predicting football's demise as suggesting what could happen if things play out a certain way (mostly because of the medical, and subsequent legal, issues) and the status quo unravels. And who better than economists to follow the logical trail . . .
Ferrum Athletics-A Very Bright Future
As the Super Bowl is now in the books, many people may think that football is officially over. While this may be true between the sidelines, college football is a year around effort on the part of coaching staffs around the country.
In Division III football, recruiting is just as important to the success of the program as it is at University of Michigan, or University of Alabama, but in many respects, it is a far more difficult task.
Division I schools will attract the top high school talent. They have scholarships to offer, and this is an effective tool to build a successful program. With success comes name recognition of the school, and this attracts better recruits. Its a snowball effect, and if managed properly, the successful programs will remain successful.
FCS Schools, and DII schools, also offer scholarships, but in fewer quantities.
Division III schools do not offer scholarships, and will typically attract players that play for the love of the game. They will not have been on the radar of many , if any of the DI schools, but their talents will usually be well known to D III coaches.
The USA South has eight schools that compete in football. Of those eight, 3 are in Virginia. The Old Dominion Athletic Conference will also have eight teams in the upcoming season, and of those, 6 will be from Virginia. These numbers illustrate the competition for regional talent.
What separates these schools as far as successful recruiting goes is the success of their athletic programs, their academic offerings, campus beauty and amenities, and of course their tuition. I am sure there are other factors, but I think these play a major role.
Ferrum is making great strides in many areas. The campus is beautiful, and the upgrades that have been undertaken over the last several years make Ferrum a state of the art facility. The College continues to develop its academic offerings, working to provide excellence in the classroom while maintaining the small class size that will lead to more individual attention for the student.
Tuition is a limiting factor when it comes to competing with other schools in the recruiting arena. State schools will, for obvious reasons, charge far less tuition, and this works to the detriment of all of the private colleges who may be competing against public schools.
Christopher Newport University is the only State supported school in the USA South Conference, and the tuition savings that this provides makes it very difficult for other conference schools in the recruiting arena. CNU has enjoyed much athletic success, but the question is what can Ferrum do to become the school of choice for those regional athletes that play for the love of the game?
Tuition and college affordability is a major consideration in the best of economic times, but in today's economy, Colleges have to work to make the college experience as rewarding and enriching as possible, while keeping costs within reach.
Soon, Ferrum will have a new Biomass Boiler in place and this should reduce the electric bill that the college pays. Ferrum's agriculture program has developed a working farm that produces many of the vegatables that the college cafeteria uses regularly. While these initiatives may not reduce tuition, it may well slow it's rise.
The college is on the right path, and as for success in their athletic programs, Ferrum is showing well rounded success in all of the major sports, and even in some of the newer athletic endeavors on the campus.
Football finished with a 7-3 record, and was playing for the conference championship. Men's Basketball is closing in on the end of their season, and has had a strong effort, staying in the top three in the conference standings for the majority of the season. Women's Basketball currently is in first place in the conference having run a gauntlet of top ranked conference opponents with recent wins over CNU, Greensboro, and Methodist. The Lady Panthers are in a strong position to capture the regular season title, and host the USA South tournament.
Baseball has gotten off to a good start as the Panthers are 2-1 early in the season.
Ferrum's newest sport, Women's swimming, competed in it's first season, and finished a respectable 2-6. On the surface, this may not look like a great record, but in three of their losses, they fell by 13 points or less. The season was capped off by Fresman Anneleisse Alvarez's performance in the Virginia Tech invitational. Click the link below for the recap of her performance.
Alvarez competes in the VT Invitational
Men's LaCrosse will soon embark on its second season after finishing a strong 6-8 in it's first season. I look for both of these new programs to continue to improve and to be a force in the seasons ahead. Winning, no matter what the sport, casts a school in a positive light. It brings attention to the school, and gives it name recognition that helps in recruiting efforts in all sports. Ferrum is making huge positive strides in their athletic endeavors, and I look for this trend to continue...Football is no exception.
Go Panthers!
In Division III football, recruiting is just as important to the success of the program as it is at University of Michigan, or University of Alabama, but in many respects, it is a far more difficult task.
Division I schools will attract the top high school talent. They have scholarships to offer, and this is an effective tool to build a successful program. With success comes name recognition of the school, and this attracts better recruits. Its a snowball effect, and if managed properly, the successful programs will remain successful.
FCS Schools, and DII schools, also offer scholarships, but in fewer quantities.
Division III schools do not offer scholarships, and will typically attract players that play for the love of the game. They will not have been on the radar of many , if any of the DI schools, but their talents will usually be well known to D III coaches.
The USA South has eight schools that compete in football. Of those eight, 3 are in Virginia. The Old Dominion Athletic Conference will also have eight teams in the upcoming season, and of those, 6 will be from Virginia. These numbers illustrate the competition for regional talent.
What separates these schools as far as successful recruiting goes is the success of their athletic programs, their academic offerings, campus beauty and amenities, and of course their tuition. I am sure there are other factors, but I think these play a major role.
Ferrum is making great strides in many areas. The campus is beautiful, and the upgrades that have been undertaken over the last several years make Ferrum a state of the art facility. The College continues to develop its academic offerings, working to provide excellence in the classroom while maintaining the small class size that will lead to more individual attention for the student.
Tuition is a limiting factor when it comes to competing with other schools in the recruiting arena. State schools will, for obvious reasons, charge far less tuition, and this works to the detriment of all of the private colleges who may be competing against public schools.
Christopher Newport University is the only State supported school in the USA South Conference, and the tuition savings that this provides makes it very difficult for other conference schools in the recruiting arena. CNU has enjoyed much athletic success, but the question is what can Ferrum do to become the school of choice for those regional athletes that play for the love of the game?
Tuition and college affordability is a major consideration in the best of economic times, but in today's economy, Colleges have to work to make the college experience as rewarding and enriching as possible, while keeping costs within reach.
Soon, Ferrum will have a new Biomass Boiler in place and this should reduce the electric bill that the college pays. Ferrum's agriculture program has developed a working farm that produces many of the vegatables that the college cafeteria uses regularly. While these initiatives may not reduce tuition, it may well slow it's rise.
The college is on the right path, and as for success in their athletic programs, Ferrum is showing well rounded success in all of the major sports, and even in some of the newer athletic endeavors on the campus.
Football finished with a 7-3 record, and was playing for the conference championship. Men's Basketball is closing in on the end of their season, and has had a strong effort, staying in the top three in the conference standings for the majority of the season. Women's Basketball currently is in first place in the conference having run a gauntlet of top ranked conference opponents with recent wins over CNU, Greensboro, and Methodist. The Lady Panthers are in a strong position to capture the regular season title, and host the USA South tournament.
Baseball has gotten off to a good start as the Panthers are 2-1 early in the season.
Ferrum's newest sport, Women's swimming, competed in it's first season, and finished a respectable 2-6. On the surface, this may not look like a great record, but in three of their losses, they fell by 13 points or less. The season was capped off by Fresman Anneleisse Alvarez's performance in the Virginia Tech invitational. Click the link below for the recap of her performance.
Alvarez competes in the VT Invitational
Men's LaCrosse will soon embark on its second season after finishing a strong 6-8 in it's first season. I look for both of these new programs to continue to improve and to be a force in the seasons ahead. Winning, no matter what the sport, casts a school in a positive light. It brings attention to the school, and gives it name recognition that helps in recruiting efforts in all sports. Ferrum is making huge positive strides in their athletic endeavors, and I look for this trend to continue...Football is no exception.
Go Panthers!
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