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Selasa, 30 September 2008

Ferrum @ Averett 10-4-08

This week, the Ferrum Panthers 3-1 (1-0) travel to Danville, to take on the Averett Cougars, 1-2 (0-0). After a muddy game at home Saturday, the Panthers pack their bags and go on their shortest road trip of the year.

Ferrum will be looking to get their powerful offense back on track and will look to their defense to provide a solid deterrent to the Cougars.

Averett after having a successful 2006 season where they were 7-3 (7-1), hit a dry spell, and after losing 22 starters to graduation, were 0-10 in 2007.

This year shows an improving team. With only one win so far, the Cougars are playing inspired football, and are a threat to whoever is on their schedule.

Ferrum will be looking to stop an offense that statistically is averaging just about 25 yards a game less than the Panthers. Defensively however, the Panthers rank 68th in the nation, opposed to the Cougars defense that is ranked 161st. Ferrum, being run oriented, is ranked 9th in the nation in rushing offense, while Averett is ranked 117th against the rush. This is where the difference will lie.
Special Teams is another battle where Ferrum outranks the Cougars nationally. Clint Slappey is tied for 71st in Field Goals, and T.J. Grzesikowski is ranked 5th nationally for Ferrum in the punting category.
On paper this looks like it can be a fairly easy win for Ferrum, and it could, but the possibility also exists that the Panthers could run into a fired up team playing before a fired up crowd, and with a couple of miscues find themselves on the wrong end of the score.
While some folks say that anything is possible, I think it is highly probable that Ferrum will easily move to 4-1 for the season.

Keys to a Panther win:

Score First
Dominate Time of Possession
Focus on Special Teams coverage of kickoff and punt returns
Keep penalties minimal
Control line of scrimmage
No Turnovers
Control the red zone
Maintain the kicking consistency

Ferrum will make the most of their skill on both sides of the ball, and move to 4-1.

My prediction:

Ferrum 42
Averett 24

Sabtu, 27 September 2008

Ferrum Outlasts Shenandoahin Rain Soaked Contest

The Ferrum Panthers stopped a Shenandoah University 2 point conversion attempt in the fourth quarter to claim a 14-12 victory at a rain soaked W.B, Adams Stadium.

While the pregame post had many areas for the Panthers to focus on, what it did not include was the weather intangible. This game was played on a rainy afternoon, which altered both teams statistics. I will review the focus areas and game stats, and break down the main areas of the offense.

Time of possession was controlled by the Panthers as they had the ball for just over 3 mins. more than Shenandoah.

Penalties were fairly even, but Ferrum had 7 for 65 yds., and the Hornets had 6 for 53 yds.

Turnovers were kept to a minimum, and even with the conditions, neither team fumbled. Each team did throw an interception, and both led to a touchdown.

Controlling the line of scrimmage was another success for Ferrum, as the Panthers out rushed the Hornets 212 yds. to 161. Ferrum also had 21 more passing yards, 99-78.

Pressuring/Sacking the QB
, was made difficult by the field conditions. Ferrum was unable to record a sack.

Defensive secondary play improved greatly this week as the yards per completion for the opposition was reduced by about two thirds from last week. They also had an interception that led to a Panther touchdown. Much Improved!

Red Zone control was strong as the Hornets only advanced into the Ferrum Red Zone twice, but they did score one touchdown.

Special Teams play was the largest weakness for Ferrum. Kickoff return coverage allowed an average of 40 yards on 3 Kickoff returns with one of them being returned 85 yards for a touchdown. Clint Slappey was 2-2 in PAT's, and did not attempt a field goal. The Hornets kicker missed one FG, and an extra point.

The weather no doubt played a factor, and though it was equally bad for both teams, Ferrum seemed to be bothered somewhat less. Overall it was a pretty evenly played game.

Special recognition to William Kenny this week as he had an interception, and 4 tackles; one of which stopped the game tying two point conversion attempt.

Overall, Ferrum again played a solid game, but weather and poor kickoff coverage kept it from being a wider margin of victory. Both Panther quarterbacks had good games, and led a quality offensive performance. The running game was the standout feature for the offense.

Defensively, Ferrum played strong with a much better effort from the secondary.

The Panthers travel to Danville this week, to take on an improving Averett Cougar team. I will preview this game in a post later in the week.

Rabu, 24 September 2008

Ferrum Punter Named Special Teams Player of the Week

Ferrum punter, T.J. Grzesikowski has been named the USA South, Special Teams player of the week.

The following appears on the USA South Conference website:

Football Special Teams Player of the Week T.J. Grzesikowski, Ferrum - The Seminole, Florida sophomore punter helped with field position several times in a 21-14 victory over Bridgewater. Grzesikowski punted eight times for an average of 43.6 yards per kick. He had a long punt of 50 yards and dropped three kicks inside the Bridgewater 20-yard line.

It is also important to note that Grzesikowski is ranked 9th in the nation in punting among Division 3 schools. For a current list of Division 3 individual and team rankings, go to:

Selasa, 23 September 2008

Smart Notes - 9/23/08

1. Eli Manning: Game manager? Sportscenter and all the highlights showed Eli's impressive long pass on 3rd and 10 in overtime against the Bengals. But what impressed me was that immediately after that pass -- where the receiver had to toe the sideline to stay inbounds and the referee called it a catch -- Eli did not miss a beat: he hustled his teammates to the line to quickly run and play and avoid review of the play. This is Eli growing in his self-awareness. And the Giants got the play off without any review of the catch.

2. The rise of the terrible spread team. I forecast this day some time ago, but this year's college football season has wowed me with the number of just awful spread teams. Now, there's some good ones: Florida has great talent, and just about every top team has some kind of "spread" element to their gameplan. But there's a ton of just awful spread teams. This topic deserves a much more in depth treatment, but the basic gist is what I forecast a few years ago: the offense just isn't an equalizer anymore, but instead more of an amplifier. If you have great athletes you can isolate them in space, but if you don't then you're just giving them one-on-one matchups they can't win and asking your quarterback to play perfect or you can't win.

But the biggest reason is simply that everybody is doing it and there's just not much novelty to it. And it's not like you can fool a defense with some dizzying array of spread formations when each guy on defense played against spread teams for four years in high school and every week in college. That said, this also makes the cries from these teams and their coaches that there's a "steep learning curve" with their spread offense ring rather hollow. How much different is it to tell guys to line up differently and read the defensive end on the zone-read? There's lots of teams who successfully do that who use it only sparingly; it's unconvincing when teams that rely heavily on the zone-read and zone options claim that they need more time to teach it.

3. Wildcat, meet the Patriots. There's plenty of buzz going around about the Patriots losing big to the Dolphins. And there's lots of buzz that the Dolphins used a funky formation to do it. This buzz isn't all positive, as for some reason NFL guys (announcers, everybody) can only act derisively when they see something that strikes them as a "college formation" or part a "college offense." (Nevermind that Bill Walsh's West Coast Offense began as a "college offense" at Stanford.) I generally take the view that the NFL guys actually are right when they say their game is more complex and intricate than the college game, largely because they have near infinite resources and time to devote to those things. (And most every NFL game is a close one.) But it's like these NFL guys failed to see a single college game over the past three years.

If they had, they might have realized that what the Dolphins did against the Patriots was employ the "Wildcat" formation, made famous by Arkansas which used it with Darren McFadden running the show. The basis for the set is a single quarterback -- actually the running back -- and another running back who goes in motion to either run or fake a jet sweep. The other reason it is unforgiveable that these commentators can't figure this out is that this is not a bolt out of the blue: The quarterbacks coach for the Dolphins is David Lee, who was the offensive coordinator for the Arkansas Razorbacks last season under Houston Nutt. Indeed, I will let him explain the Wildcat series, in a video the Patriots obviously had not seen:

Now, the common wisdom among these NFL guys now is that this was a one-week fad, if the Dolphins even try to use it next week it will be snuffed out because coaches around the league have analyzed this, diagnosed it, and will annihilate it if Miami ever tries to use it again. Maybe so. But I wouldn't be on it. Of course this is not an every down thing (unless Ronnie Brown starts throwing twenty passes a game), but the reason this worked -- unlike some other NFL experiments with the zone-read or other gun styles -- is that this is an actual series rather than just a play or two. That's obviously the case because, as Lee explains in the video, it hinges on being a series rather than just a "good play." And the fact that it is a series makes it a self-contained offense in itself, as the series anticipates a defense's adjustments. Maybe it won't work, but I'd be surprised if it is as useless as these talking heads seem to think it will be. Just ask the Pats.

NFL Power Rankings - 9/23

With 3 weeks of the NFL season in the books, it's time to look at the best so far... here's my top 10 power rankings in the NFL after 3 games.

1. Dallas Cowboys - Hard to deny that they're the best team in the NFL right now. The offense is extremely explosive and is averaging over 32 PPG. They have wins at Cleveland and Green Bay, and at home against Philly. The defense looked very good on Sunday night, which is a scary thing for other NFC teams.

2. Philadelphia Eagles - After hanging with Dallas in Big D and overpowering Pittsburgh, the Eagles look like legitimate contenders. The health of Donovan McNabb and Brian Westbrook will always be a concern, along with the fact that they play in the toughest division in the NFL, but the Eagles look like they'll be getting back to the playoffs.

3. Tennessee Titans - If you were going to bet on football, it would have been hard to predict Tennessee as the best team in the AFC, but they've looked good so far, even with backup Kerry Collins. Their running combo of LenDale White and rookie Chris Johnson has been outstanding, and their defense is allowing less than 10 PPG. Vince Young who?

4. New York Giants - The Super Bowl champs are 3-0, but they haven't looked as convincing as some other teams. In particular, they struggled with the winless Bengals, taking things to OT before winning. But Eli Manning looks like he has continued with the improvement shown in last year's playoffs, and they have many threats out of the backfield.

5. Baltimore Ravens - The punishing Ravens D is back, allowing only 20 points in 2 games. The offense has not had any explosion under Joe Flacco, but Ray Lewis has the defense playing at a very high level.

6. Green Bay Packers - Though they succumbed to the Cowboys, they have looked solid so far. Aaron Rodgers has shown he can make all the throws, and is even displaying a nice amount of athleticism. With a young defense, if they can just simply continue to improve the running game, they're the favorites in the NFC North once again.

7. Pittsburgh Steelers - They took a beating from Philly, but they looked like one of the best teams in the League over the first 2 weeks. The line has to do a much, much better job of protecting Big Ben, but if they do, the Steelers have all the pieces in place for a Super Bowl run. They are very good throwing and running the ball, and combine that with a stout defense and solid coaching from Mike Tomlin.

8. Denver Broncos - They're 3-0, but it hasn't been easy. They've gotten some good calls from refs, and the defense has been porous at times, but the offense has carried them. Jay Cutler is looking like a Pro Bowler, and Brandon Marshall is 2nd in the NFL in receptions (behind Reggie Bush) even though he missed one game. They're 3-0 with a date against Kansas City coming up, which looks to spell 4-0.

9. San Diego Chargers - The offense looked pretty darn good on Monday night, racking up 48 against the Jets. They could very easily be 3-0, as they essentially lost their first 2 games on the final play. My money is still on them to win the AFC West.

10. Buffalo Bills - The Bills are just a solid team that doesn't beat itself. They may not be a powerful offense, but Trent Edwards and Marshawn Lynch are both real good players that get the job done. The Bills are 3-0 and look like they might be the class of the AFC East now that Tom Brady is gone.

What are your thoughts?

Senin, 22 September 2008

Conference Play Begins-Ferrum to Host Hornets

This week, the Panthers will host Shenandoah University to begin USA South conference play. Shenandoah comes into the contest with a 1-2 record, and Ferrum has a record of 2-1. Both teams have one common victory as each team defeated Bridgewater College on the Eagle's home field.

With such parity in this conference, it is difficult to tell who will represent the USA South in the playoffs. The USA South preseason polls favored Christopher Newport University, with Ferrum finishing second. While it is a logical conclusion that CNU could win the conference, it is not impossible to think that almost any team in the conference could win.
So what does Ferrum have to do to be the conference champion? First, they have to keep things in perspective and take one game at a time. They must win Saturday.

To do this, Ferrum must:

>Control time of possession and the clock. They need to keep the Hornet offense off of the field.

>Minimize penalties.

>Minimize offensive turnovers.

>Create turnovers and covert to points.

>Control the line of scrimmage on both sides of the ball.

>Pressure hurry and sack the Shenandoah QB.

>Defensive backs need to make sure they are covering the receivers with an effective cushion. (distance)

>Defense needs to cause 3 & outs, and keep the Hornets out of the red zone.

>Capitalize on all special team opportunities

While all of this seems basic and obvious, the importance of this cannot be overstated. The inability to succeed at just one of the tasks listed can change the outcome of the game.

A statistical comparison of both teams would give the offensive edge on paper to Ferrum. This cannot tell the whole story, but I believe it is a good indicator. Ferrum leads Shenandoah in a statistical comparison of almost all offensive categories except passing. (SH-38 of 61 for 428 passing yards, while Ferrum is 18 of 48 for 338 yards.) Shenandoah has also been slightly better in the time of possession category with a 1min. 50 sec. advantage.

If there is a reason for concern, it will be the yardage the Panthers have given up to their opponents through the air this season so far. (671) This will need to be a primary focus of the Panthers.

In closing, the Panthers need to show dominance. It is not enough to come out and win by a few points. In order to be thought of a potential conference champions, they must have a completly dominant presence on the field. I know they have the offense to do this, but it will also require a top flight defensive performance, especially from the secondary.

My prediction:

Ferrum moves to 3-1 defeating the Hornets-


Sabtu, 20 September 2008

Ferrum holds on for win over Bridgewater21-14

Game Recap

Ferrum College travelled to Bridgewater College, and came away with a hard earned win, 21-14. While this post will typically analyze statistics, and draws conclusions from them, this was a game where Ferrum controlled the first half, and Bridgewater controlled the second.
After the opening kickoff was returned 61 yards giving the Eagles the ball on the Panther 35, It took just 6 plays for a field goal, and Bridgewater led 3-0.
After each team traded turnovers, Ferrum on their second possession, scored on a 13 yd. run by LeBryan Patterson. The Clint Slappey extra point was good, and with no other scores in that period, the quarter ended Ferrum 7 Bridgewater 3.

There was no more scoring until the 4:51 mark of the second quarter when Ferrum QB Matt Dobson scored on a 4 yd. run, and with the Slappey kick, Ferrum led 14-3. After being stopped on their next possession, Bridgewater punted, and Ferrum took the ball on a drive that culminated with a 34 yard run for the final Panther touchdown of the game. Clint Slappey's extra point was good, and the Panthers led 21-3
The ensuing kick off gave Bridgewater the ball at their own 44 yard line. with :39 seconds left in the half. Bridgewater was able to complete a 47 yard pass and get into position for a 36 yard field goal as time expired, with the score Ferrum 21 Bridgewater 6.

On the opening kick off for the second half, the Panthers were set to receive, when Bridgewater executed a perfect on side kick, and took possession. On the first play, Bridgewater scored on a 65 yard pass from Driskell to Tyler Beller. The two point extra point was good, and what had been a 18 point lead in three plays was now a 7 point lead. With that, the score was Ferrum 21 Bridgewater 14, and that is how it ended.

Panther Pride


Ferrum dominated the rushing yards by out gaining the Eagles 243 yards to 45. This speaks well of both the offensive and defensive lines of Ferrum. Ferrum utilized the wishbone offense and 7 ball carriers for the total yardage. LeBryan Patterson led the Panthers with 95 rushing yards.


In the wishbone, Ferrum will not pass all that often. Matt Dobson was 3 of 7 for 89 yards, and Mayo attempted 1 pass that was incomplete. The main receiving targets were Quinn Tibbs and Mike Vann.

Special Teams

Ferrum had no field goal attempts, and were 3 for 3 on extra points. Punting played a big roll in the outcome, as Ferrum punted 8 times for a 43.6 yards per punt average. The Panthers did a great job of containing the returns only allowing 37 yards on 5 returns.

Panther Ponderings

While a win is a win, and Bridgewater is certainly a better team than I anticipated, Ferrum needs to solidify their stature as a team that will contend for the USA South conference title.

In most areas, Ferrum executed well, but there are a few areas that need to be improved upon.

Kickoff Return Coverage- The Eagles had an average of 27.5 yards per return. Granted that most of this was gained on the opening kickoff return, (61 yds.) This needs to be a consistent strength.

Defensive Secondary- Again this week, Ferrum gave up big numbers to their opponent through the air. Bridgewater threw the ball 46 times completing 18, for 321 yards. This is an average of 17.8 yards per completion. On a positive note, the secondary did contribute 2 interceptions, one of which led to a touchdown. In short, the Bridgewater passing game accounted for 321 of their total 366 offensive yards. Ferrum only had 312 total offensive yards.

Offensive production- There was a stark contrast on the productivity of the offense, depending on who was quarterbacking. While Matt Dobson and Marcus Mayo each commanded 6 separate offensive drives, statistically, Dobsons' drives were far more productive. Over his six drives, Dobson ran 38 plays for 281 yards, and 3 touchdowns. The yards per drive for the Panther offense was 46.8 yards.

Under Mayo, the Panther offense went into hibernation. On Mayo's six drives, the offense managed 21 plays for a total of 33 yards, and a per drive average of 5.5 yards.

I will not speculate as to why, but it was apparent early on, that the offense was responding when Dobson was under center. I know in an earlier post, I expressed that Mayo was the future for the Ferrum offense. While I still believe that Mayo will be a huge factor in the success of the program in the future, it is apparent that now the full time quarterback needs to be Dobson. With conference play beginning next week, there needs to be a rally point for the team, and I believe it is Dobson.

Final Analysis

Ferrum can take away many positives from this game. They controlled time of possession, they minimized penalties, and were able to get to the opponents quarterback for three sacks. Ferrum played, in many aspects a sound game against a better than expected Bridgewater team. A win on the road makes it even more satisfying.

Ferrum returns home next week to open conference play, and face the Shenandoah Hornets. I think Ferrum will find a strong Hornet team who has the ability to win on the road...They beat Bridgewater at the Eagles home last week.

I will preview the upcoming Panther /Hornet match up in a later post.

Kamis, 18 September 2008

Ferrum travels to Bridgewater-Final non conference tune up.

After hosting their first two games,the Ferrum College Panthers hit the road this weekend to visit ODAC foe, the Bridgewater Eagles. Both teams enter the contest at 1-1, as Ferrum evened its record, with a victory over Southern Virginia University, 34-7. The Eagles fell to the Hornets of Shenandoah University, 10-6.
Ferrum College Media Guide gives a synopsis of the series between Ferrum and Bridgewater:

Series Record
Today's game marks the 11th meeting between Ferrum and Bridgewater dating back to 1986. Ferrum owns a 7-3 lead. The Panthers won the first seven meetings, including a streak of six consecutive seasons from 1986 through 1991. The series went idle until a two-year stint in 1998 and 1999, in which the teams split, then resumed in 2006. Ferrum & Bridgewater have played two overtime games, with the Eagles taking both in 1999 and 2006. Two shutouts have been
recorded in the series, both by Ferrum, in 1989 and 1990. This is the fifth time Ferrum's Dave Davis and Bridgewater's Mike Clark have faced each other as head coaches. Clark holds a 3-1
edge in the head-to-head matchup.

Series Scores
1986 Ferrum 42, Bridgewater 12
1987 Ferrum 45, Bridgewater 13
1988 Ferrum 47, Bridgewater 3
1989 Ferrum 28, Bridgewater 0
1990 Ferrum 37, Bridgewater 0
1991 Ferrum 41, Bridgewater 13
1998 Ferrum 24, Bridgewater 10
1999 Bridgewater 14-7 (OT)
2006 Bridgewater 30, Ferrum 27 (OT)
2007 Bridgewater 41, Ferrum 16

Last Year's Game

The Eagles opened a 21-0 lead after the first quarter and never looked back. The Eagles eventually would lead 41-3 before the Panthers offense could score a pair of 4th quarter
scores. Quarterback Jeff Highfill threw for 162 yards and 3 TDs on 9-13
passing for the Eagles. The BC defense did its job as well, holding Ferrum's trademark
running game to just 142 yards. {end of transcript}

For this year, Bridgewater comes in with a less experienced squad, losing 9 of its 11 starters on either side of the ball. Ferrum on the other hand, is returning about half of its starters from a year ago. Bridgewater opened the season defeating Averett University 34-13. Ferrum opened with a tough loss to ODAC member Emory and Henry 26-21.
Saturday's kickoff is slated for 1:00 p.m. If you are not able to attend, you can follow the action by clicking:

Sabtu, 13 September 2008

Bad Day for the KnightsPanthers Roll 34-7

Game Recap

Strong defense, and balanced offense were the keys to this one sided Panther win. While I expected a Ferrum win, I did think that it would be close. Except for a scoreless first quaier, it was not. At the 12:38 mark of the second quarter, Ferrum's Clint Slappey hit a 35 yard field goal to give Ferrum a 3-0 lead...This was the begining of a 34 point run, and the Panthers never looked back.

While no two teams are the same, I would like to review the points I listed after the E&H game as areas to focus on for the SVU game.

Score first- Had a 34-0 lead in 4th quarter.

Control Time of Possession- FC held the ball for nearly 10 mins more than SVU (where as E&H controlled possession by a little more than 2 mis.)

Pressure the SVU Quarterback- Ferrum defense contributed 2 sacks of the SVU QB. (0 sacks against E&H)

Contain SVU running back #22 H. Collins- He was held to only 26 yards.

Minimize penalities and turnovers- Last week 10 penalities 130 penalty yards/This week 5 penalities for 26 penalty yards. Turnover statistics last week had Ferrum with 4 fumbles losing 3, and being intercepted 3 times. This week the Panthers fumbled 2 times, losing 1. There were 0 INT's this week!

Defensivly, Ferrum forced 4 fumbles, recovering 3. These 3 recoveries resulted in 2 touchdowns and a field goal.

Overall, Ferrum executed a well played and balanced attack both offensivly, and defensivly.

Panther Pride

Ferrum is a steadilly improving ball club, and seems to be finding it's feet early on. Their quality of play was far better than against Emory and Henry, and there is no reason to think that this trend will not continue.

Offensively, Ferrum ammassed 371 yadrs rushing. with no less than 12 players moving the ball on the ground! This is the typical Ferrum approach, and excellent utilization of personnel. Passing was a smaller part of the offense this week, with the team total being 4-18-0 for 96 yards.

The offensive line controlled the line of scrimmage, and made the ground gains much easier.

Defensively, Ferrum did exactly what they needed to do. SVU only entered the red zone three times, and did not score until the 6:42 mark of the 4th qtr.. Their lone score was a five yard pass play.

While its hard to find room for improvement, I will delve into some areas in Panther Ponderings.

Panther Ponderings

While the scoreboard shows a total domination by the Panthers, It is worth noting that there are areas to focus on for next week.

First, Ferrum will need to keep the momentum going into next week! Great Job Panthers! Continue the focus that allowed you to control this game. Minimize mistakes, and control the line of scrimmage. Bridgewater needs to go down again

Defense must keep pressure on the quarterback. Secondary must step it up. SVU had 227 yds. passing.

Special Teams- Huge improvement in most all areas. Kicking game improved. Continue to work to try to avoid missed opportunities.

Huge improvement on kickoff coverage. Punt team looked very strong.

Look for the chance to block some of the opponents punts and field goals

No Turnovers- Give your opponents nothing. Continue to make this a focus.

Huge improvement in reducing penalties.

Continue to force 3 and out's. Own the Red Zone.

Offense- Just continue to own the line, and create openings for the backs

Final Anaylsis

I was very impressed by the effort of Ferrum, and the outcome . All phases of the game seemed to improve, and this game showed the team (and myself) just how good they can be. Great win! This was a team effort, and it really shows. Did you get those sunglasses yet? You're gonna need 'em!

Next Game

Ferrum College @ Bridgewater 9-20-08

Bridgewater is coming of a 10-6 loss to Shenandoah University. This was the first ever victory for the Hornets over the Eagles. The game was a defensive struggle all the way, and it appears that SU defense, dominated the Bridgewater offense. In trying to spot strengths and weaknesses of the Eagles, I reviewed the stats of both of their games this season, and note the following:

Eagle QB is Hagan Driskell. He had a good game in the first game of the season, as BC beat Averett 34-13. In this game, Driskell was 12 of 23 for 187 yards, and 3 touchdowns. He was not intercepted. In the Shenandoah U. game, Driskell was 10 of 19 with two interceptions gaining 94 yards.

The running game is highlighted by David Arguad, who against Shenandoah had 14 carries for 53 yards with one touchdown.

It's very difficult to guage the Eagles from these two games, but it appears that the passing could be the main concern for the Panthers. Overall it seems that the Eagles may be going through a rebuilding year.

My prediction

Ferrum 34

Bridgewater 10

Jumat, 12 September 2008

Southern Virginia University @ Ferrum 9-13-08

Ferrum Prepares for Visit From SVU Knights

Saturday will mark the second meeting between Ferrum and Southern Virginia University. Last year, Ferrum travelled to Amherst County High School stadium (one of the home fields for the Knights). Ferrum dominated most of the contest, and held a 16-0 lead entering the 4th quarter. SoVa. came back to tie with 16 unanswered points. With less than a minute remaining, Ferrum's Matt Lucas scored on a ten yard run. The extra point failed, but it was enough to give the Panthers a 22-16 victory.

This year Ferrum starts with an 0-1 record after a solid effort against Emory and Henry, losing 26-21. The Knights are 1-1 after defeating Lincoln University (PA) in a lop sided game 55-25. They lost their season opener to Morehead State (KY) 49-6.

Follow this link to listen to the game. Broadcast begins at 12:50 p.m.

Minggu, 07 September 2008

Emory and Henry @ Ferrum 9-6-08

Game Recap

Ferrum opened it’s 2008 season at home against the Emory and Henry Wasps. Last year, E&H stuffed Ferrum, 50-7 but this year things went much better for the Panthers. Statistically, Ferrum and the Wasps were fairly even on offense. The largest difference was the Wasps passing game accounting for three touchdowns. Interestingly enough, the Panthers had more passing yards. 161-111
The Panther running game also showed well with 186 yards on the ground and 2 touchdowns.
While the Panthers lost 26-21, I think Ferrum should take many positives from the contest.. These are covered in Panther Pride

Panther Pride

The difference in the outcome from this year to last year was a huge step in the right direction.. Obviously the defense stepped up in a big way to keep the high powered Wasps offense in check.
Offensively, the Panthers were fairly balanced between rushing and passing, and were able to mount a fourth quarter surge to keep the score respectable. Quarterback Marcus Mayo lit a fire under the Panther offense going 11-21-1 and 173 yards passing. He threw for 1 and ran for 1 touchdown. This was a loss however, and the Panthers will need to evaluate certain areas to make corrections and improve. Those are covered in Panther Ponderings.

Panther Ponderings

I feel that the following areas need to be evaluated:


Ferrum had 10 penalties for 130 penalty yards (100 yds. is equal to 6 points theoretically)


Ferrum had 4 fumbles (lost 3), and 2 interceptions. 2 of the 5 turnovers resulted in E&H touchdowns. Ferrum's defense recovered 1 fumble resulting in an interception, and intercepted 1 pass resulting in a lost fumble. You must convert these opportunities.


Ferrum runs the triple option. This offense calls for the quarterback to have presence of mind to evaluate the defense, and make a split second decision as to keep, pitch, or pass. It also requires that the O-line be strong and swift. The offense in this formation has to work as a cohesive unit, and it will be very important to identify one quarterback to lead the team. I personally do not like the practice of shuttling in quarterbacks. The good news is that Ferrum is solid at this position. I think that while both QB's are capable, with experience, Mayo will be the difference maker for the Panthers.

I am a little uncertain as to why Mike Vann did not get more carries? He is obviously the premier running back, and has break away ability. He needs more carries.


Need more 3 and outs! You must keep the opposition out of the red zone
Defensive secondary has to improve....Three passing touchdowns are too many. The secondary is young and will improve. To help them, there must be pressure on the quarterback in passing situations. There were no sacks of the E&H quarterback.

Special Teams

Cannot afford to miss any scoring opportunities. Field Goals and extra points are crucial.
KO return yards is not where it needs to be, and KO coverage seemed a little weak as the Wasps averaged 31.0 yds. per return.
Great Job punting team!

Final Analysis:

This could have and should have been a Panther win.....You are better than E&H, and overall better than what you showed. Keep your heads high and get some sunglasses....your future is bright.

Next Game

Southern Virginia University @ Ferrum 9-13-08

SoVA is coming off a 55-25 win against Lincoln University (PA). The Lincoln Lions are restarting their football program after a 48 year absence of the sport on their campus. While there is reason to question the capabilities of a young inexperienced program like Lincoln, It is evident that SoVA is improving every year. The Lincoln U. head coach commented “Give all the credit to SVU, their quarterback (Luke Taylor) was awesome. Every pass he threw was right on the money. Their offensive line did an outstanding job of protecting.”
The opening game for SoVA saw them lose to Morehead State (KY) who competes as a Division I campionship sub division school. (Formerly Division IAA). The score was 49-6.

Things to watch for from SoVA

Passing Game

They will throw the ball, and appear to be pretty efficient at it. Their QB Taylor was 19 of 32 for 259 yds. and 0 int's. 3 TD's against Lincoln U.

Running Game

SoVA gained 171 yds. rushing, and were 7 for 7 on scoring chances in the red zone Main running back appears to be # 22 Harry Collins who had 3 TD's

Ferrum Focus for this week

Score First!
Control the time of possession
Pressure their QB
Contain their RB #22 Collins
Minimize penalties and turnovers
Defense must force turnovers and Offense must convert

Prediction for the next game.

This will not be easy, but should be a win for Ferrum.

Mike Vann shines as Ferrum defeats the Knights at W.B. Adams Stadium

Ferrum 31
SoVA 24


Kamis, 04 September 2008

Giants/Redskins Pick

Not sure if I'll have time to do my picks against the spread this year, but I'll try. And with the season opener tonight, I'll give my pick here for the defending champion Giants taking on the Washington Redskins.

I'll take the Redskins (+4.5).

Of course, if you'll remember how my picks last year went (when I was under .500), you definitely won't want to put any stock into the picks. But it's fun to try.

I like Jason Campbell to take another step forward for the Skins this year, helping lead the Skins. If Clinton Portis can stay healthy again, he's a top 10 back. Plus, I'm not sold on the Giants this year... obviously Eli has taken a step forward, but can he do it on a consistent basis? Will Plaxico be focused every week after the Super Bowl win? Can Brandon Jacobs stay healthy? Can the defense play as well as they did at the end of last year? Lots of questions.

Giants 20, Redskins 17.